May be this isn't posted exactly where it should be, but I'm hopeful that I'll get some feed back.
I need some advice from the Rabble! I am contemplating purchasing some Brick Red hose to wear with my Black Watch Kilt, but I am unsure if the Brick Red is going to be too much. I have considered some Diced hose, but frankly I can not justify the cost at this time of year.
I am going to a dinner soon and I'll be wearing an Argyll Jacket, white shirt and tie. It is not a formal affair and if it was I wouldn't consider my Kilt because I would not be able to pull it off with what I own. Anyway the question remains whether the Brick Red hose would work. I do own Bottle Green, Charcoal and "Gawd Awful" White, but I was thinking the red just might work too.
I know I can trust you're judgement without question!