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  1. #1
    Join Date
    30th March 10
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    Mess function coming up...

    My old auxilliary unit is having a 30th anniversary mess dining function and I will be attending. Now a civilian... I plan to wear my RAF tartan kilt and a Prince Charlie jacket with 5 button waistcoat. Black bow tie, miniature medals.

    I am considering sock and flash options as well as potentially buying a new prince charlie set....

    As it stands I could walk to my wardrobe and pick out a black PC and blue grey hose of a shade very similar to the kilt. to these I could add black, navy or maroon flashes (all colours associated with the RAF.) I was given some matching tartan flashes when I had the kilt made but i am not a fan, maybe others could convince me otherwise? ( I also have black and navy hose, as well as cream ones which NEVER see the light of day)

    I have been idly toying with the idea though of having diced hose made up in maroon and dark blue with a fine sky blue accent. I wonder if this justifies the cost of a custom pair of hose...?

    I can choose highland style brogues or standard black Loake brogues and would be interested to hear opinions.

    As it is RAF, I am evaluating whether a blue PC set would be justified ( I have a black argyle too but mess dress is all short jackets really so I see the PC set as more suitable)

    I also took my old regimental belt buckle off of a stable belt and had a handmade leather belt done for it.

    Genuinely interested to hear how I can tweak this for best effect on this occasion to help me decide on the fine detail....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th October 09
    South Queensferry, Scotland
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    The black PC and black bow tie with the RAF tartan kilt sound fine Tim. I would go for a low cut waistcoat (usually three button) rather than the five button. This is more appropriate for formal evening wear.

    If you wear a waistcoat, the belt and buckle will not be needed but you could wear the belt instead of a waistcoat. Navy or maroon flashes should also be fine. If you decide to wear black flashes, I would suggest that they are made of grossian.

    I would chose ordinary brogues over gillie brogues as long as they are thin soled and highly polished!

    Diced hose would be an added bonus but plain colours are fine as well. I would avoid the black as well as the white.

    I would also avoid too much of any one colour. In this case a blue jacket and waistcoat, a predominantly blue kilt and blue hose and or flashes would IMHO be excessive!

    Pictures would help us advise you.

    Enjoy the event!
    It's coming yet for a' that,
    That Man to Man, the world o'er,
    Shall brothers be for a' that. - RB

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Well, I'd like to add something original, but all I can find myself saying is that MacRobert's Reply said everything I was thinking!

    Definitely leave off the belt if you're wearing a waistcoat.

    Standard Loake brogues are fine, with a good polish.

    Don't get all matchy-matchy with the colours. Let the colours in the tartan do the talking. From the waist up, I'd stick with black and white for this affair. The hose can be coloured or diced to your pleasure, but I'd likely stick with a traditional red set of flashes/garters, so as not to coordinate a little "too well" with the tartan.

    How are you fixed for a sporran? If it were me, I'd stick with the PC I already had, and instead of spending the money on another PC, I'd invest in hose and/or sporran if I needed them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Great advice guys and f I am honest, I was over thinking this a little. The belt was a touch to show regimental affiliation and not really necessary. Easier to sit and dine too....
    I reckon just thinking it through and discussing it has saved me £200....
    I have no sporran issues.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    17th January 09
    The Highlands of Norfolk, England
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    I have PCs in black, green and blue. I wear the green with my Flower of Scotland, but the blue (with 3 button waistcoat) with my RAF kilt. The black is generally for everything else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    22nd September 08
    Aberdeen/Huntly, Scotland
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    I like the look that Chas can pull off with his blue PC and RAF kilt. But I would Suggest that of you have/can wear a No.5 Jacket then it might be more appropriate (For this one specific event). On another note, I have a pair of red hose which I wear with my own RAF Kilt (For such a specific tartan, there seems to be a lot going about!) The photo below is from one of the burns suppers hosted by Pour1Malt down at Ferintosh. Its up to you if you like the red, I didn't realize at the time that my hose were that red but I do like the look in person, even if it doesn't photograph so well.
    Photo belongs to Pour1Malt, Don't tell him I "borrowed" it!
    Last edited by Jordan; 17th April 14 at 03:39 PM.
    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.


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