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  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th April 14
    Pana, IL, USA
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    Renting Prince Charlie outfits for wedding

    We are having a Medieval Scottish wedding this September at a castle near Champaign IL. I have a company in mind to rent my and the groomsmen Prince Charlie outfits from. But I want to get input from you all upon if you have rented from any company for this purpose and how your rental(s) went. I have a place called the Celtic Croft that will let me keep the kilt when I am done. My Tartan is MacLaren Modern with a fly plaid, and am planning on having the groomsmen in Black Watch. Also I have been buying accessories along the way to keep that have MacLaren clan theme to them. If anyone has advice upon rentals please forward them this way.

    Brian Lowe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    6th July 08
    Montgomery Village, Maryland, near Washington, District of Columbia
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    You will find the Celtic Croft among our XMarks advertisers on the left of your screen. I amd many of our members have dealt with them, and I believe you will find them quite satisfactory.

    May I invite you to introduce yourself in the Kilt Board Newbie section of our forum?
    Last edited by Geoff Withnell; 21st April 14 at 05:32 AM.
    Geoff Withnell

    "My comrades, they did never yield, for courage knows no bounds."
    No longer subject to reveille US Marine.


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