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  1. #1
    Join Date
    26th December 13
    United States
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    An Odd Sensation...

    I have owned and occasionally worn a kilt for over 6 years now, but have only recently started expanding my collection and wearing them regularly. For the last 6 or 7 months I have been wearing one on average about 5 days a week.

    In public I have grown accustomed to the odd looks from strangers, the questions, and the asinine jokes about what is underneath the kilt.

    A few days ago I was at a WaWa (local convenience store/gas station/sandwich shop), and got the odd feeling that no one was looking at me sideways. It's weird that I now find this odd. At first I guessed that people were getting used to it, but that is unlikely given that I don't live in a small town, and this store gets a lot of traffic.

    Then I realized, "Duh! I'm wearing pants today! I have become a day walker. I pass among the bifurcated and they do not realize that I am not one of them! I have discovered the secret to infiltrating their society..."

    I had quite a chuckle over this and might have generated an odd stare or two anyway!
    "Stand Sure"

  2. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to IGA For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Join Date
    22nd July 13
    Florida, USA
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    I just hope I don't get so used to the freedom that I forget to wear anything at all...

    On a side note, WaWa subs are the best. I probably get lunch there 2~3 times a week since they opened up around here.
    .................................................. ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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