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  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd February 14
    Okinawa, Japan
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    Trip to Scotland

    My wife and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary next summer. To celebrate, we are planning a trip to the UK and plan on spending 7-10 days in Scotland. I know that we will just scratch the surface, but I have two great interests that I want to explore in Scotland, single malt Scotch and church history. I will probably be driving throughout the country. I am very open to suggestions. Thanks.
    U.S. Navy Chaplain and Presbyterian Clergyman
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    You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time. John Knox

  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th August 13
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    If you're going to explore single malt Scotch in any depth, let your wife do the driving! Have a great time; I envy you the experiences you will have and the sights you will see. (Happy anniversary a bit early.)
    Studies have shown that women who gain a few pounds live longer than men who mention it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    23rd December 12
    South Lanarkshire, Scotland
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    For whisky, follow the trail http://www.visitscotland.com/see-do/...t-whisky-trail

    There are many, many more distilleries to visit not on this trail, just use the www to fnd them. If you can fit it in and there is space on a tour for you, visit the Macallan. I went years ago and loved it, a very different tour to any other I have done.

    As for church history, that's a big subject, more detail is needed first and its not my strong point. you could start at the National Museum of Scotland http://www.nms.ac.uk/our_museums/nat...ed_church.aspx
    Buaidh tro rčite

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    My wife, son, and I traveled to Scotland last July. Too much to see and never enough time, or money. But, I'd suggest seeing the Dunfermline Abbey, about 20 minutes north of Edinburgh. It houses the grave of Robert the Bruce, and it's a wonderful little town. It's, also, the birth place of Andrew Carnegie....see his house and museum. Across from the newer Abbey are the gardens which Carnegie played in as a boy, and then bought later in life, which was returned to the town. It's a wonderful place to hang out and eat lunch. When we took the train there last year, it was 80*..... I loved it, but the locals were dying.

    Also, if you make it to Skye, stop by Taliskers Whiskey, which is near the Dunvegan Castle. http://www.scotlandwhisky.com/distil...lands/Talisker

    Work your way to Portree for a stop, and and bite to eat.

    Have a blast, and prepare to return. The first trip is the learning curve!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    19th October 09
    South Queensferry, Scotland
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    On church history, Chaps, you could consider visiting Whithorn in Galloway where Ninian built his White House (Canada Casa) and evangelised the Southern Picts; Iona, where Columba (Com Cille) established his base for evangelising among the Northern Picts; Glasgow where Kentegern had his mission in the Kingdom of Strathclyde; Queensferry where Queen Margaret instituted her ferry for pilgrims traveling to Dunfermline and St Andrews; and nearby Inchcolm (the Iona of the East).

    In the North of England you could visit Hilda's Whitby of Synod of Whitby fame; and Lindisfarne (Holy Island) where Aidan and Cuthbert evangelised among the Northumbrians and Mercians.

    If you are passing through South Queensferry and I am around, I would be happy to be your free guide. PM me as and when.
    It's coming yet for a' that,
    That Man to Man, the world o'er,
    Shall brothers be for a' that. - RB

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks all for the information. And "MacRobert's Reply" thank you for the great leads with regard to church history and I will be in touch as I continue to plan the trip.
    U.S. Navy Chaplain and Presbyterian Clergyman
    ************************************************** *****
    You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time. John Knox


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