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Thread: on pinterest?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    on pinterest?

    as there ever been an interest on having a XMark presence on Pinterest?

    I am on there a lot because of my daughter and great niece.

    A thought?
    Member of Clan Hunter USA,
    Maternal - Hunter, Paternal - Scott (borderlands)
    Newly certified Minister.
    If you cannot fix it, mess it up so bad that no one else can either.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I think you may be the first to express an interest in an X Marks presence on Pinterest.

    Let me just say that X Marks is, and always has been, a community of individuals with a common interest, sharing our thoughts, ideas, stories, and lives. Yes, we like showing off our kilts and this makes X Marks very picture heavy. But Pinterest seems to lack, or have very little of, the sense of community that is the strength of X Marks.
    Even Facebook, which although called Social Media, also lacks the depth and breadth that you find here.

    Our focus here is our discussions. We talk at length, and even sometime ad nauseum, about out kilts. And this sense of sharing, of telling our stories, is what brings our members here. Even after 10 years on the web we still find things to talk about.

    There is nothing stopping someone from posting some kilt themed collections on Pinterest. But please do not just lift photos submitted by our members and re-post them to Pinterest. We have always agreed that what is posted here belongs to this community.

    I have always felt that we are not just our photos. The photos posted here are of very little value without the stories behind them. And that is what makes this sort of community unique on the web.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Ashton View Post
    I think you may be the first to express an interest in an X Marks presence on Pinterest.

    Let me just say that X Marks is, and always has been, a community of individuals with a common interest, sharing our thoughts, ideas, stories, and lives. Yes, we like showing off our kilts and this makes X Marks very picture heavy. But Pinterest seems to lack, or have very little of, the sense of community that is the strength of X Marks.
    Even Facebook, which although called Social Media, also lacks the depth and breadth that you find here.

    Our focus here is our discussions. We talk at length, and even sometime ad nauseum, about out kilts. And this sense of sharing, of telling our stories, is what brings our members here. Even after 10 years on the web we still find things to talk about.

    There is nothing stopping someone from posting some kilt themed collections on Pinterest. But please do not just lift photos submitted by our members and re-post them to Pinterest. We have always agreed that what is posted here belongs to this community.

    I have always felt that we are not just our photos. The photos posted here are of very little value without the stories behind them. And that is what makes this sort of community unique on the web.
    And that is why I like you lads and lassies that much

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Thank you for the reply. I wondered how it would work if it was done.
    I see that there is a concensous that we are a family that is not needing exceptance by the public in general.

    My post was a wandering and lonely thought.
    Member of Clan Hunter USA,
    Maternal - Hunter, Paternal - Scott (borderlands)
    Newly certified Minister.
    If you cannot fix it, mess it up so bad that no one else can either.


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