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  1. #1
    Join Date
    4th September 10
    Dallas, Texas
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    2014 Texas State Fair Winners.....

    Each year, the Texas State Fair gives food and beverage vendors awards for their "creative" concoctions. Sometime you wonder if being the most outrageous automatically gets you an award (i.e., deep-fried butter).

    The best tasting award winner doesn’t sound too bad though. The Best Tasting Award was won by a fried Gulf shrimp boil - baby Gulf shrimp, diced red potatoes, onion, lemon, and seasoning formed around a cocktail shrimp, dusted, fried and served with a remoulade sauce.

    However, I’ll probably pass on this beer: the award for Most Creative went to Funnel Cake Ale - a beer that reminds drinkers of one of the telltale flavors of the fair. A little toasty, a little sweet, this English-style summer ale has notes of natural vanilla to emulate the most revered of fair food: funnel cake. For those seeking to satisfy the inner kid, you can have your glass rimmed with powdered sugar.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    1st October 13
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    Funnel cake ale? Now that's wierder than cotton candy grapes! (They are not gmo or flavoured, they just naturally taste like cotton candy!)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    5th December 07
    Fort Worth, Texas
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    I'm going this year for the first time in a very long time. I'm specifically going to have a look at the Elio, a 3-wheeled car that's coming out next year. They claim it will cost $6800 and get 84 mpg. I'm skeptical of both claims, but if they can come even reasonably close (double the cost, half the mileage), then I'm still interested. I'll have to try the shrimp while I'm there. As for the ale...no thanks.
    Fac Et Spera!


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