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  1. #1
    Mel1721L is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    Help needed from UK based kiltmaker

    The casual 5 yard cilt I bought from "Wales Tartan Centres" in Swansea is coming apart. I maintain it is because there was no stabilizer built into it. They say it was because I did it up too tight and won't do anything about it.

    I am looking for a UK based kiltmaker who can rectify the problem and give me a written report on anything found wrong in the original construction. I will ask the "Wales Tartan Centres" to post it to you.

    I intend to claim the cost back through the small claims court.

    I warn anyone reading this not to buy a kilt from them. This was their response:

    In my opinion, the Cilt is being worn too tight. I have never seen a
    Casual Cilt worn a dozen times come apart in this way. If the customer is
    to blame Mel, I am afraid its my job to bring it up? As I mentioned
    earlier we have made literally hundreds of these over 20 years and only
    had good reports.

    If I am honest with you, I think you would have been better off purchasing
    an 8 yard dress Cilt, a far more robust garment and to what you elude to
    in the information regarding making a Cilt/kilt. We have customers who
    wear our Dress Cilts every day without issue.

    A Wool casual Cilt will never be made in the way described, due to the
    final cost. Its a garment designed for occasional wear.

    In no way can a PV Kilt be compared to a wool garment either, its a
    totally different fabric. PV is woven for its strength, wool is natural
    fibre and by definition, not nearly as strong.

    If you decide that a Dress Cilt in the Howells is the way to go, I will of
    course offer you a discount on it as a gesture of our good intentions.

  2. #2
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    I don't think there are any UK based kilt makers advertising on this site who would do this sort of report. You could try my own kilt maker, but it may simply be that another tailor will be able to make alterations which make the kilt wearable.

    I have to say that my own experience of ordering from the 'Wales Tartan Centre' was really not good to the extent that I have never recommended them since.
    Best wishes - Harvey.

  3. #3
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    I was following your original post on the issue, also.
    Im wondering if it not best you have the garment shipped back to you* and find a reputable, local seamstress or tailor. It does sound as if a stabilizer is not present and although kilt making is its own art, IMHO the stabilizer concept should not be foreign to a quality shop since it is in effect what takes the strain between the fastening buckles at either end. Not an unusual concept in good quality pant and skirt making.

    *having it returned directly to you also lessens the possibility of it being lost in the mails forever.

  4. #4
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    Mel I use the same kiltmaker as HarveyH above. PM me on FB if you want his details.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

  5. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Grizzly For This Useful Post:

  6. #5
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    If you don't get any satisfaction from the seller, and are stuck with the Cilt, it would make a good DIY project.

    Armed with The Art Of Kiltmaking and some scraps of canvas it wouldn't be difficult to open the lining and install proper canvas lining and the stabiliser.

    Yes a kilt without such will just keep on stretching! I've seen kilts that look terrible due to not having a stabiliser.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  7. #6
    Mel1721L is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    If you don't get any satisfaction from the seller, and are stuck with the Cilt, it would make a good DIY project.

    Armed with The Art Of Kiltmaking and some scraps of canvas it wouldn't be difficult to open the lining and install proper canvas lining and the stabiliser.

    Yes a kilt without such will just keep on stretching! I've seen kilts that look terrible due to not having a stabiliser.
    I got a full refund in the end. I'm not sure I'll bother again.


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