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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Howell, Michigan
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    mustache and beard

    How many members here have a well established mustache and beard? I've had each since college but recently started growing them out.

    It's getting kinda out of control but I'm managing. Mustache wax helps. I need to find a "leave in" conditioner for the beard. I see my barber in a week to see what we can do to clean it up a bit. Fortunately, he also has a beard and is interested in helping me with it.

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  3. #2
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    I went goatee for normal. The power of my full beard is too much to contain

    Last edited by ljamieson; 29th November 14 at 07:34 PM.

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  5. #3
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    Full beard and mustache here, too.

    I keep mine trimmed as it's curly and just gets think, bushy, and annoying. Also, if I let them get too long (especially the mustache), they interfere with my playing the trumpet.

  6. #4
    Join Date
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    You simply must check out the above link to St. Kilda Beard Oil which, is owned by our very own @Matt Newsome. The oils and balms are great products which will have your beard looking better than ever in no time at all. They are also very reasonably priced. Check it out!
    "I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
    I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho

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  8. #5
    Join Date
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    Full beard and handlebar wearer here. In terms of favorite leave-in conditioners, I use two, depending on my mood.
    -Bluebeard's original Beard Saver (cream, in a small tub). I use a two finger amount.
    -Mr Natty's Beard Elixer (oil, in a small bottle with dropper). 4 drops works for me.

    You can find both online.

  9. #6
    Join Date
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    Ya Love my beard
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10310670_10204829858407682_6225007585761669615_n.jpg 
Views:	61 
Size:	145.4 KB 
ID:	23350
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

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  11. #7
    Join Date
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    I'm not wearing my beard as long as I did a couple of years ago. It got annoying trying to tie a necktie and getting my beard caught up in the knot. Or rolling over at night and getting my beard trapped under my chest. These days it's about 1-1/2"-2" long. The photo below isn't new, but that's about how long I keep it. Mine is naturally curly and grows in a spiral pattern from the rear points of my jawline, which makes it want to fluff out ridiculously. So I keep it long enough that the weight will keep it somewhat tamed, but it still tries to fluff out all day long. I typically brush it several times a day with a bristle brush from Bluebeards.

    I used to put Bluebeard's Original Beard Saver in it, but I never really liked it. The smell was awful. I think they were going for a fresh, clean lime scent but it comes across to me as the same smell that they use for public restroom cleaning agents. Sort of a fake lime smell that's really weird. Plus, the Beard Saver left residue in my beard that added friction when brushing it.

    For the last couple of years I've been using a Tea Tree Oil conditioner (can't remember the brand off-hand; it comes in a green pump bottle) that's meant for hair and body. It smells nice and conditions my beard well. More importantly, it's easier to brush and it feels clean all the time. Plus it conditions the skin underneath.

    I see my barber in a week to see what we can do to clean it up a bit.
    Meh, just get yourself a good quality electric trimmer and learn to sculpt it yourself. You'll spend a fortune over time having the barber do it. I typically trim mine up 2-3 times a week, just to keep the scraggly ones from getting too far out of control. Plus I like to keep my neck and cheekbones trimmed. I couldn't imagine having to go to a barber for that.

  12. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Tobus For This Useful Post:


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