Greetings once again.
The next piece I would like to share is what I believe to be a belted fly plaid. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also forgive me if I have this upside down / wrong way around. Looking at it I may have the belt turned the wrong way - Pleats should be visible?
Now I'm not too familiar with the history of this piece but from what I've read I understand " A "belted plaid" is belted around the waist with a "poof" of tartan hanging in front of the shoulder. Worn exclusively by officers in full dress and sometimes Levee dress". Taken from The Fly Plaid Archive at -
Further reading includes - "The 'belted plaid' with the fringed edges and front 'fall', held around the waste by a narrow (usually tartan) cloth belt and at the left shoulder by the epaulette and plaid brooch was (and in many cases still is) worn with Full Dress by Sergeants and Warrant Officers, both in the Rifle Companys; in the Pipes and Drums/Brass Band, and in the 78th/2nd Seaforth/Seaforth Highlanders of Canada by all Drummers regardless of rank; and by officers.
There have been times when Regimental Custom has decreed that Pipers should wear the 'belted plaid' with Full Dress - most usually when pipers were engaged in Highland dancing as it is less cumbersome than tucking the end oif the big plaid into your belt.
I refer you to Colonel Murray's excellent 'The Music of the Scottish Regiments' (I'd give you the page # but one of my students has my copy!) which shows the pipers of the 79th wearing belted plaids cut to look like the old 'belted plaid' of yore.
This style of plaid is far more comfortable when playing the pipes - let's be honest, Colonel Lauderdale Maule's invention (piper's full dress) looks gorgeous when properly cared for and worn by someone tall and fit, but it is the least practical order of dress possible for a musician."
- Would this suggest that this piece may have be regimental? I do have a scarf with a name attached along with a number. Now I wonder if this could link with a former regiment. Forgive me for my ignorance. I'm still very much in the deep end when it comes to kilt attire. I should really upload all images into one thread - Including the kilt (To follow). I was hoping with your help I could get each piece documented one by one.
Note - The statement highlighted above are not my own words. Should anyone care to comment further with regards to the 'belted fly plaid, I would love to hear from you. As any info is good info in my eyes.
Item in question is show below. Note - Paris / Solide buckle and small metal hook.