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  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th July 07
    North East Scotland
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    The cautionary tale of Ciotaidh NicFhraing

    The fate of Abergeldie Castle has been in the news a lot recently
    But did you know that the castle has a ghost? For those of you learning Gaelic, the story of Ciotaidh NicFhraing = Kitty Rankin = French Kate is told in
    Kitty was a French serving woman at the castle who informed her mistress that she had seen an image (in a bowl of River Dee water) of the Laird cavorting with other ladies while he was traveling abroad. Impressed by her psychic powers, her Ladyship demanded that Kitty cause a storm to sink his homecoming ship and drown him and all aboard. When this very thing happened, Kitty was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake opposite the Castle on Creag nam Ban (Hill of the women) where all witches were put to death. French Kate's ghost is said to have been seen in the cellars and in the clock tower of the castle and to this day she can be heard wailing on the top of Creag nam Ban. Let's hope she doesn't drown the Castle as well as the Laird!

    (In case you're interested, the name Abergeldie is an interesting p-celtic/q-celtic combination. The Geldie Burn is Allt Geallaidh in (q-celtic) Gaelic = the burn of white/pure water. But Aber is p-celtic/"Pictish" from an earlier era = confluence/mouth of where the Gaelic would be Inbhir (Inver).)

    Last edited by neloon; 6th January 16 at 02:22 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    18th July 07
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    This is really an extended demonstration of what a drone camera can do but it shows something of Upper Deeside in winter with Creag nam Ban immediately behind the Castle and the road to Braemar almost opposite the Castle currently washed away.
    (As usual, many of the Youtube comments are inappropriate.)

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