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  1. #1
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    Where to buy straps and buckles

    I have searched above, but cannot find any posts on where to buy straps and buckles to make a kilt.

    Google showed two options:




    But neither seems to do online ordering and the House of Edgar necessitates a fabric attachment for the buckle rather than leather (does that matter?)

    Dues anyone else know a good go-to site for these?

    Picking up all the bits is not so easy. I managed to find 3 yards of tailor's pride on eBay, so that was something.

  2. #2
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    Many kiltmakers, including myself, get them here -

    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

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  4. #3
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    Buying straps and buckles

    From personal experience -
    J Wood leathers have a minimum order value its about £30, I've bought a quantity from here.
    House of Edgar - you need to be trade and hold an account with them. The alternative is to persuade someone else who deals with one of these to sell on some, that's always possible if you have paypal and can pay carriage.


  5. #4
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    any leather worker will make you the straps, they wouldn't be much. You can get buckles from Tandy Leather, or even EBay, all that sort of thing is on there, leather strap, included. Good luck!
    Don Smith

  6. #5
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    If you have a copy of "The Art of Kiltmaking", look in the back for the list of kiltmaking accessory and fabric suppliers.

    I get hair canvas interfacing at my local fabric store. This is one of the large chain stores and they do not always have the same type or brand of stuff so when I find really good stuff I buy a lot.
    Almost any hair canvas or what may be called "sew in interfacing" or "jacket interfacing" will do unless you are going to make an heirloom quality traditional kilt like Barb makes.
    The purpose of the hair canvas is to give vertical body to the kilt like the boning in a corset so as long as it does its job and is of decent quality you should be OK.

    I buy my straps and buckles from Highland Xpress because they almost always have stock (I buy 500 sets at a time) and the quality is first rate and always the same.

    I buy fabric only direct from the weaver. I never buy through a retailer or jobber. Thread, lining and other small stuff is also purchased direct whenever possible.

    One of the hardest thing to do when you start a kiltmaking business is finding suppliers. If you are doing it as a hobby the job is even more difficult. The best advice is to find out where the pro's get their stuff and buy from the same place. But many companies do not like to share their suppliers lists. (I actually had two employees who went into my computer and copied all my suppliers and customers contact info and started their own shop)
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  7. #6
    Stoff's Avatar
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    Bad juju, man. I hope that your former employees get the karma that they have earned.


    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC View Post
    If you have a copy of "The Art of Kiltmaking", look in the back for the list of kiltmaking accessory and fabric suppliers.

    I get hair canvas interfacing at my local fabric store. This is one of the large chain stores and they do not always have the same type or brand of stuff so when I find really good stuff I buy a lot.
    Almost any hair canvas or what may be called "sew in interfacing" or "jacket interfacing" will do unless you are going to make an heirloom quality traditional kilt like Barb makes.
    The purpose of the hair canvas is to give vertical body to the kilt like the boning in a corset so as long as it does its job and is of decent quality you should be OK.

    I buy my straps and buckles from Highland Xpress because they almost always have stock (I buy 500 sets at a time) and the quality is first rate and always the same.

    I buy fabric only direct from the weaver. I never buy through a retailer or jobber. Thread, lining and other small stuff is also purchased direct whenever possible.

    One of the hardest thing to do when you start a kiltmaking business is finding suppliers. If you are doing it as a hobby the job is even more difficult. The best advice is to find out where the pro's get their stuff and buy from the same place. But many companies do not like to share their suppliers lists. (I actually had two employees who went into my computer and copied all my suppliers and customers contact info and started their own shop)


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