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  1. #1
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    Which Hat or Nae Hat?

    Hi Folks,

    I have had great advice/perspective on here before so will cast my line out again.

    Later this summer I will attend the Edinburgh Tattoo as part of the retinue associated with Clan Buchanan. This year it is a unique event whereby the clans are forming an integral part of the celebration.

    The primary function will be to march outdoors as part of the group. I anticipate wearing a charcoal tweed jacket, diced hose custom-knit to match the tartan, a bias cut tartan waistcoat as part of the outfit. I don't however know whether its A) appropriate to use a hat as part of the outfit, or B) what sort of hat I should wear. Are either of these pictured items appropriate? All help gratefully received. Thank you!!

  2. #2
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    PS the first picture is from an Ebay listing which is for a tam o Shanter military hat - it might not be appropriate for a civilian to don a "military" style hat? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Scottish-T...-/272765717334

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  4. #3
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    Bare-headed is the usual choice for kilted civilians here in Scotland as you have probably noticed. You are also, no doubt, aware that Scottish weather is distinctly unreliable! So what to wear? Don't try to out do the military, so my advice is a civilian balmoral(Robert Mackie is worth look) , not one of the large theatrical size though. A glengarry is also too close to the military look in my view and is also pretty useless in poor weather.

    Two things to really avoid. One: DO NOT wear a feather in your bonnet unless you are entitled too. Two: DO NOT wear a flat tweed cap/John Deere, baseball style hat even if the heavens open!

    Have fun!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 20th July 17 at 09:02 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Bare-headed is the usual choice for kilted civilians here in Scotland as you have probably noticed. You are also, no doubt, aware that Scottish weather is distinctly unreliable!

    Hi Jock - Thanks for your response. I lived in the highlands for the last 10 years so know all too well what Scotland will throw at me. I have only really seen folk wearing hats at highland games eg - masters of ceremony etc. as you say so maybe a hat is a step too far?? It does seem a good insurance policy agin the weather though!

    So what to wear? Don't try to out do the military, so my advice is a civilian balmoral(Robert Mackie is worth look) , not one of the large theatrical size though. A glengarry is also too close to the military look in my view and is also pretty useless in poor weather.

    Does anybody have a good recommendation on where to purchase a civilian balmoral? I would hope to acquire something that is not garish, nor cheap-looking, but with a reasonable price tag?

    Two things to really avoid. One: DO NOT wear a feather in your bonnet unless you are entitled too. Two: DO NOT wear a flat tweed cap/John Deere, baseball style hat even if the heavens open!

    Speaking of feathers - does anyone have any opinion on using plant clan badges as part of an outfit? Clan Buchanan has oak and bilberry as her emblem. Do you wear them pinned to your lapel etc?

    Have fun!
    I reckon that's a given!

  7. #5
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    I'll be there as well with the Buchanans! Look forward to meeting you. Have you been made aware of the dinner plans we have as a group before the event? If not send me a private message and I can get you in touch with the Clan organizers in Scotland.

    I plan to wear a plain dark green un-diced Balmoral with my kilt and tweed jacket. I don't wear a clan badge on the cap but prefer a metalized plant badge instead.

    Aye yours,
    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ctbuchanan View Post
    I'll be there as well with the Buchanans! Look forward to meeting you. Have you been made aware of the dinner plans we have as a group before the event? If not send me a private message and I can get you in touch with the Clan organizers in Scotland.

    I plan to wear a plain dark green un-diced Balmoral with my kilt and tweed jacket. I don't wear a clan badge on the cap but prefer a metalized plant badge instead.

    Aye yours,

    Hi DB you know me all too well. I'm the wind that blows away the cobwebs, I am he who looks to our future. Clar Innis! Where did you get your Balmoral - give us a picture if you would?

  9. #7
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    WGN_1190.jpg A fawn Robert Mackie bonnet, diced or not matters not and is a personal preference.

    Any good kilt maker should have balmorals for sale. Robert Mackie is probably the Rolls Royce of Balmorals and can be found in many colours and shades but "fawn" would be my choice.

    I wouldn't bother about a Clan plant "badge" if I were you. It is usually worn behind your Clan badge on your bonnet. Avoiding the theatrical is best , as over doing the dressing up leaves the starry eyed spectators with a false impression of what real Highland attire is about.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 20th July 17 at 10:35 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  11. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckybronco View Post

    Hi DB you know me all too well. I'm the wind that blows away the cobwebs, I am he who looks to our future. Clar Innis! Where did you get your Balmoral - give us a picture if you would?
    Of course - the big wind from the East!

    I purchased it from this vendor in Canada. It is very good quality

    President, Clan Buchanan Society International


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