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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sport Kilt kilt hose (socks)

    Basically I need a pair of kelly green hose to match a shirt I have. The only place I've found kelly green hose is Sport Kilt. I've read the reviews, that basically these are athletic socks, and as I only really need them for one day, the price is right. What I'd like to know is if anyone has experience with them as hose on a regular basis, since they are buy three get one free, and I've only got two pair of hose at the moment. If they don't completely suck, why not, yeah? Otherwise, I'll get the one I need and call it a day.

    Related question, does anyone know where I can score some white flashes? All I can find is solid colors and tartans. Again, this is probably for one day that I'd need them (I just think the white flashes on the green hose would look good, as the shirt is green with white lettering).

    And I suppose while I've got your attention, my boys are getting kilts for Christmas, and they'll need hose, but with growing boys, affordability is key, as they won't last long. Anyone point me in the direction of affordable children's hose (or socks passable as hose) in a variety of colors? The boys are eight and six.

    Thanks guys.
    Scott McDonald
    "I have inside me blood of kings."

  2. #2
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    I haven't tried them yet, but the reviews seems positive in terms of fit and staying up. Looking through at the customer pics, some of the darker colors look thin to me. Some of the reviews mentioned using them for daily wear, so it seems like they'd be versatile if you go for the deal and decided you didn't like them for use with your kilt.
    Last edited by SunriseEarth; 1st October 17 at 11:53 AM.

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  4. #3
    Join Date
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    I have 2 pairs of socks from Sport Kilt. Like you said, the price is good. And yes, they are good quality athletic socks. In my opinion, they do not really work for times when you want to dress up a bit, but for just the day, they should do well for you. I bought gray and bottle green (I think) and have worn the green ones once. If I was a highland athlete, I would probably wear them a lot.

  5. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Roadkill For This Useful Post:

  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roadkill View Post
    I have 2 pairs of socks from Sport Kilt. Like you said, the price is good. And yes, they are good quality athletic socks. In my opinion, they do not really work for times when you want to dress up a bit, but for just the day, they should do well for you. I bought gray and bottle green (I think) and have worn the green ones once. If I was a highland athlete, I would probably wear them a lot.
    I would echo this.
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

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  8. #5
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    My big caveat is that I don’t really know what you are wearing them for. I’m guessing a sporting or school type related event since you mentioned the writing on your shirt. That said.....

    The sportkilt socks you are talking about are “ok” in my opinion. They are a looser weave and definitely not traditional dress socks, so I’ve found the color a little see through, they do wear out in the heel and toe, and you do need the garter up top to hold them up.

    I wear them them sometimes when I curl, particularly because they are versatile in going from my Piping at an event to playing in it. I DO NOT use them for running or Highland games type events because they slip in the heel and ball of foot and fall easily. For that type of activity, I use over calf UnderArmour socks. I can usually get a size bit or just pull hard to get them high enough to wrap over the garters. UA ands started slapping logos all over their socks, but you may be able to find a pair with it on the foot or high enough that the wrap over covers it. I looked but couldn’t find Kelly Green quickly - I did find these to give you an idea of what I mean though :


    Hopefully that helps, and if not, at least provides some thought.


    Pardon my spelling errors, I am doing this from an iPhone and can’t see the entire field while typing or editing. E.g - “a size but” should say “a size big”
    Last edited by WalesLax; 1st October 17 at 07:54 AM.

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  10. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by WalesLax View Post
    My big caveat is that I don’t really know what you are wearing them for. I’m guessing a sporting or school type related event since you mentioned the writing on your shirt.
    It's for a walkathon to raise money for researching a cure for a genetic disorder. Our team shirt is kelly green with white writing.

    Thanks everyone; I appreciate the input.
    Scott McDonald
    "I have inside me blood of kings."

  11. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Powermac For This Useful Post:


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