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  1. #1
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    First outing in a kilt

    So this past Saturday (31 March 2018), my wife and I went to a local Irish themed tavern to celebrate me reaching 20 years in the Army (it was a surprise and many family showed up for it!) and she recommended that I wear my kilt.... alrighty then! We went shopping Friday night for casual items (shoes, socks, hat) and I think we did quite well.

    While the socks are...well...socks and not hose, these compliment the outfit quite well in my opinion and the length is pretty good. The shoes, while not traditional, also compliment the entire get up, and the flat-cap is new as well. I received many compliments on the kilt as well as questions about the tartan itself, but my daughter was the biggest fan. Here are a few pictures of the adventure:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Inside Clancy's.jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	81.3 KB 
ID:	33622Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Casual Kilt at Clancy's Tavern.jpg 
Views:	46 
Size:	128.6 KB 
ID:	33623Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The Kiddo and me.jpg 
Views:	38 
Size:	81.5 KB 
ID:	33624

    We also decided to try to find a shirt to go along with the cream hose I got (I am still new and did not know how hard it is to match cream ones...) so that I could wear the kilt to church on Easter Sunday. My wife found a shirt that matched perfectly, I already had a tie that matches the kilt beautifully, and I even found a new flat-cap to finish up the ensemble. I know... a casual kilt/sporran/belt to wear at church... but I received so many compliments from many different folks (to include the pastor), just wait until I get my 5 yard traditional and dress it up for church! Here I am after church:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Easter Sunday 2018.jpg 
Views:	43 
Size:	237.0 KB 
ID:	33625

    Overall, I think that my first outing was a success and cannot believe how comfortable kilts are. Why on earth didn't I start doing this sooner?!? Not only that, but it was so much fun and quite the conversation starter. I feel confident in saying this: while I was slightly apprehensive at first, this weekend has made me fall in love with wearing a kilt and I look forward to doing it again soon, as well as buy more kilts!
    Never run or do jumping jacks while wearing a heavy sporran
    "500 years before Christ was born, a highlander stepped on the bloated carcass of a sheep and the bagpipes were born"
    Stabo (I shall stand)

  2. #2
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    and it looks like it went well and was a fun time. You are right once you go kilted it is hard to go back.

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  4. #3
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    Congratulations on the 20 years of Service. As one of many, my thanks / appreciation for what you've done for all. Also, for what you may have had to endure.

    My brother retired from USAF Reserve last year, 38 years in total. And, as your "About Me", enjoyed most of it. F111 crew, to Crew Chief on a KC-10, then oversaw all the maintenance crews on base. At my first kilted outing, he was the first to support me. Air Force had kilted pipers at many events. To him, it was normal. The upcoming weekend will be my outing (hmmm, doesn't sound right) with the masses. And, I agree....."Why, didn't I do this sooner?"
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

  5. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Baeau For This Useful Post:

  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baeau View Post
    Congratulations on the 20 years of Service. As one of many, my thanks / appreciation for what you've done for all. Also, for what you may have had to endure.

    My brother retired from USAF Reserve last year, 38 years in total. And, as your "About Me", enjoyed most of it. F111 crew, to Crew Chief on a KC-10, then oversaw all the maintenance crews on base. At my first kilted outing, he was the first to support me. Air Force had kilted pipers at many events. To him, it was normal. The upcoming weekend will be my outing (hmmm, doesn't sound right) with the masses. And, I agree....."Why, didn't I do this sooner?"
    Hey I was also a crew chief on the KC-10! Where was your brother stationed? I was at Seymour Johnson AFB in North Carolina from 1986 - 1992.

  7. The Following User Says 'Aye' to jumary For This Useful Post:

  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumary View Post
    Hey I was also a crew chief on the KC-10! Where was your brother stationed? I was at Seymour Johnson AFB in North Carolina from 1986 - 1992.
    Not a thread hijack, just a reply. He was with the 452nd Air Mobility Wing / Air Refueling Wing (?) out of March AFB. Did regular USAF at McClellan AFB, with the F111's. A short time after he got out, went reserve. Went everywhere, on multiple rotations. Join the Air Force, see the world....Bosnia, Gulf 1 (went for his reserve weekend, didn't come home for over a year) & 2, ferrying planes back after, No fly zone support, DEA assistance, Insurlick for a year, et cetera. And, his F111 was part of the flock that left RAF Lakenheath for the Libya incident. I've joked that he had so many service ribbons, they were continued on his back. Then I found out, if you make a second trip somewhere, you just got the pleasure of being there. Oh, & a Purple Heart. In Alaska, during the coldest part of the year (how can one tell?), one of the crew caught his finger (removed the tip of) in the van door, on the tarmac, while on active status. That one, he never mentions. With a tanker, I'm sure you went through similar. PM for more twaddle......I, now, return this thread to it's original subject.

    I wish my daughter was thrilled about me in a kilt.
    Last edited by Baeau; 3rd April 18 at 05:16 PM.
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baeau View Post
    Not a thread hijack, just a reply. He was with the 452nd Air Mobility Wing out of March AFB. Did regular USAF at McClellan AFB, with the F111's. A short time after he got out, went reserve. Went everywhere, on multiple rotations. Join the Air Force, see the world....Bosnia, Gulf 1 (went for his reserve weekend, didn't come home for over a year) & 2, ferrying planes back after, No fly zone support, DEA assistance, Insurlick for a year, et cetera. And, his F111 was part of the flock that left RAF Lakenheath for the Libya incident. I've joked that he had so many service ribbons, they were continued on his back. Then I found out, if you make a second trip somewhere, you just got the pleasure of being there. Oh, & a Purple Heart. In Alaska, during the coldest part of the year (how can one tell?), one of the crew caught his finger (removed the tip of) in the van door, on the tarmac, while on active status. That one, he never mentions. With a tanker, I'm sure you went through similar. PM for more twaddle......I, now, return this thread to it's original subject.

    I wish my daughter was thrilled about me in a kilt.
    Don't worry about your daughter. She'll get over it.
    American by birth, human by coincidence and earthling by mistake.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by macmanjim View Post
    Don't worry about your daughter. She'll get over it.
    Simple solution found....she's coming with us to the Tartan Day Faire. She will have no choice, other than to accept. Or, move out (31, last year of college, needs a life).
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

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  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baeau View Post
    Not a thread hijack, just a reply. He was with the 452nd Air Mobility Wing / Air Refueling Wing (?) out of March AFB. Did regular USAF at McClellan AFB, with the F111's. A short time after he got out, went reserve. Went everywhere, on multiple rotations. Join the Air Force, see the world....Bosnia, Gulf 1 (went for his reserve weekend, didn't come home for over a year) & 2, ferrying planes back after, No fly zone support, DEA assistance, Insurlick for a year, et cetera. And, his F111 was part of the flock that left RAF Lakenheath for the Libya incident. I've joked that he had so many service ribbons, they were continued on his back. Then I found out, if you make a second trip somewhere, you just got the pleasure of being there. Oh, & a Purple Heart. In Alaska, during the coldest part of the year (how can one tell?), one of the crew caught his finger (removed the tip of) in the van door, on the tarmac, while on active status. That one, he never mentions. With a tanker, I'm sure you went through similar. PM for more twaddle......I, now, return this thread to it's original subject.

    I wish my daughter was thrilled about me in a kilt.
    Please do not apologize, I love to hear stories of other military members, even if by proxy. I thank your brother for his service and it looks as though his career was quite eventful! As for your daughter, I'll bet that she loves you in a kilt, but just hides it for whatever reason. For what it's worth, I am thrilled for you in a kilt!
    Never run or do jumping jacks while wearing a heavy sporran
    "500 years before Christ was born, a highlander stepped on the bloated carcass of a sheep and the bagpipes were born"
    Stabo (I shall stand)

  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by The TALL TN Scot View Post
    Please do not apologize, I love to hear stories of other military members, even if by proxy. I thank your brother for his service and it looks as though his career was quite eventful! As for your daughter, I'll bet that she loves you in a kilt, but just hides it for whatever reason. For what it's worth, I am thrilled for you in a kilt!
    "Naaah", eldest daughter wanted me to pass that on to you. Our youngest just looks at me, wrinkles her nose & says, "Uhhhm, ya". Followed by her vanishing. "She Who Must Be Obeyed" likes the look. Me, I was interested since I was a about 10.
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

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  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The TALL TN Scot View Post
    I... cannot believe how comfortable kilts are.
    It's been a couple of weeks since I wore pants for more than a few hours. Today, I donned them for all but the last hour. I was sitting in the car, fidgeting about with the pants legs, thinking how terribly uncomfortable the wretched things are... I much prefer the kilt, for 90% of occasions (at least as my life goes).

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, looks great! Though, I might suggest a sporran belt. Easier to move your sporran should you need to move about without getting your potatoes mashed, so to speak. Also easier to drain the dragon.
    Last edited by Jumpmonkey; 1st April 18 at 06:57 PM.

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