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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Phone Call for kilts

    My sister runs an online wedding directory www.i-do-bc.com for British Columbia. Bear has been a link on this site for sometime, as has Nathan, our Kilts Night piper.

    On Saturday my wife and I were at our first curling lesson (whole other story. Can't wait for my first kilted bonspiel), so my sister was watching the kids. After we got home she received a call on her cell. The caller asked if she actually sold kilts. She asked if I could talk to her ccustomer and give him a good referal.

    This gentleman (Scottish accent) had planned to get married in Scotland, but he and his fiance had moved the wedding back to Canada, so the kilt he had rented were of no use here. He asked if I could recommend a good shop to hire kilts. I pointed him in the direction of our local shop which rents the whole package for $175. I also let him know about Bear Kilts and Canada kilt. We spoke for quite awhile about each company. He seemed very interested in both and mentioned that he was likely going to look into both for either the wedding, or for himself after.

    I also refered him to this site, so hopefully we will have another Vancouver member on the board soon. It wa snice being able to share some knowledge that I have learned through meeting great people both in person and on forums like this one.

  2. #2
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    Re: Phone Call for kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    My sister runs an online wedding directory www.i-do-bc.com for British Columbia. Bear has been a link on this site for sometime, as has Nathan, our Kilts Night piper.

    On Saturday my wife and I were at our first curling lesson (whole other story. Can't wait for my first kilted bonspiel), so my sister was watching the kids. After we got home she received a call on her cell. The caller asked if she actually sold kilts. She asked if I could talk to her ccustomer and give him a good referal.

    This gentleman (Scottish accent) had planned to get married in Scotland, but he and his fiance had moved the wedding back to Canada, so the kilt he had rented were of no use here. He asked if I could recommend a good shop to hire kilts. I pointed him in the direction of our local shop which rents the whole package for $175. I also let him know about Bear Kilts and Canada kilt. We spoke for quite awhile about each company. He seemed very interested in both and mentioned that he was likely going to look into both for either the wedding, or for himself after.

    I also refered him to this site, so hopefully we will have another Vancouver member on the board soon. It wa snice being able to share some knowledge that I have learned through meeting great people both in person and on forums like this one.
    I meant to ask him where he heard of me but never got to it in our conversation.
    Thanks for the referral!

  3. #3
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    How many kilt is he looking to buy?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcmtnbka
    How many kilt is he looking to buy?
    Sorry Raph,
    If he takes a look at XMarks, he might decide to post details about his order but I don't think I should discuss a customer's order without his permission.

  5. #5
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    It's good to know that he is a customer!!

  6. #6
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    Re: Phone Call for kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by bear@bearkilts.com
    I meant to ask him where he heard of me but never got to it in our conversation.
    Thanks for the referral!
    Any time Bear. I did mention the store opening and location as well. Glad to hear he went with you and not the rentals.

  7. #7
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    perphaps we have recruited another Kilts Night Regular?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcmtnbka
    perphaps we have recruited another Kilts Night Regular?
    or regulars

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    perphaps we have recruited another Kilts Night Regular?


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