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Thread: Color Question

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  1. #1
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    Color Question

    Good Morning everyone, I have a question for everyone, my wife wants me to wear this jacket with my kilt this weekend for a semi formal banquet, I was wondering what everybodys opinion is on this color. Thank you jacket.jpg

  2. #2
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    Color and complexion

    Quote Originally Posted by jmerchlinsky View Post
    I was wondering what everybodys opinion is on this color.
    My biggest consideration when it comes to color is whether the color works well with my complexion. And the biggest drawback is that my preferences won't necessarily go with your complexion.

    Personally, I'd want something slightly darker and slightly more gray. But that's not necessarily the best advice for you.

    Do you ever wear shirts that are that color? If so, how do those shirts look on you? If you look good in a shirt of that color, then you should look good in a jacket of that color.

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  4. #3
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    [/QUOTE]Do you ever wear shirts that are that color? If so, how do those shirts look on you? If you look good in a shirt of that color, then you should look good in a jacket of that color.[/QUOTE]

    I do wear shirts of that color, and I do look good in them, that is one of the reasons that my wife bought the jacket for me, but I wasn't sure how it would look with one of my kilts. Thank you for the advice.

  5. #4
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    It depends what semi formal means. Its either formal or its not. If the event is formal then the jacket won't do. If its a smart do------lounge/business suits, blazer, or even a sports jacket------- then the jacket illustrated will probably do, although I would suggest that a properly cut kilt jacket would be best in the long run.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 10th April 19 at 08:47 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    It depends what semi formal means. Its either formal or its not. If the event is formal then the jacket won't do. If its a smart do------lounge/business suits, blazer, or even a sports jacket------- then the jacket illustrated will probably do, although I would suggest that a properly cut kilt jacket would be best in the long run.
    It is a political banquet, and when I said semi formal, I mean people have been known to show in jeans and polo, not all but some, otherwise it is suits, blazers etch. I do have a kilt jacket that I can wear, it is convincing my wife, that the jacket might not work.... We live in central Pennsylvania and showing up wearing a kilt has more often than not gotten me some strange looks lol.. Thanks for the advice

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmerchlinsky View Post
    It is a political banquet, and when I said semi formal, I mean people have been known to show in jeans and polo, not all but some, otherwise it is suits, blazers etch. I do have a kilt jacket that I can wear, it is convincing my wife, that the jacket might not work.... We live in central Pennsylvania and showing up wearing a kilt has more often than not gotten me some strange looks lol.. Thanks for the advice
    Well OK, its suits and blazers------jeans and a polo too, perhaps------- so we are, in kilt terms, within the realms of a tweed kilt day jacket. If that is what you have, then go for it.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 10th April 19 at 09:08 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmerchlinsky View Post
    It is a political banquet, and when I said semi formal, I mean people have been known to show in jeans and polo, not all but some, otherwise it is suits, blazers etch. I do have a kilt jacket that I can wear, it is convincing my wife, that the jacket might not work.... We live in central Pennsylvania and showing up wearing a kilt has more often than not gotten me some strange looks lol.. Thanks for the advice
    In that case I would definitely wear the kilt jacket. A jacket like the one pictured look sloppy with the kilt & do not show it to the best advantage.

  11. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to McMurdo For This Useful Post:

  12. #8
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    Is that a kilt jacket?

    Since I could not see the bottom of the jacket in your photo, I assumed that the jacket was a kilt jacket. Is it a jacket cut for a kilt, or is it meant to be worn with slacks?

    If the jacket was made to be worn with slacks, I would not wear it with a kilt. I found this article which shows a photo of the author wearing his kilt with a regular jacket, rather than a kilt jacket. To my eye, it looks over-sized, specifically because the length is wrong.

  13. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Karl R For This Useful Post:

  14. #9
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    My good and wise Jock,

    Too many years of thinking through color combinations that fit my complexion and the importance of a social/economic impact of the event have been lost when (as I have aged and matured, ... somewhat) self assurance would have trumped these trivial concerns. I offered a thought that included the opinions of Karl's wife (always a positive direction) in my statement. Karl may not choose to agree with me or follow my advice.

    Your views are always welcome and often require self evaluation by the person you task with your words. Sometimes a quirk in behavior fits the personality of one person but is not the norm of the masses. This may be one such case.

  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    My good and wise Jock,

    Too many years of thinking through color combinations that fit my complexion and the importance of a social/economic impact of the event have been lost when (as I have aged and matured, ... somewhat) self assurance would have trumped these trivial concerns. I offered a thought that included the opinions of Karl's wife (always a positive direction) in my statement. Karl may not choose to agree with me or follow my advice.

    Your views are always welcome and often require self evaluation by the person you task with your words. Sometimes a quirk in behavior fits the personality of one person but is not the norm of the masses. This may be one such case.
    Do you know, in a rather long life with some brief time spent almost every day peering into a mirror for one reason or another, but I cannot recall ever considering my complection! Each to their own.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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