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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th October 09
    Olde New England
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    Highland Heritage Deleware???

    A friend of mine ordered a kilt from Highland Heritage in Delaware. He is on the west coast and has been trying to reach them about his order (fully paid).
    The main number appears to be out of order or disconnected and the cell phone number he was given is not set up for voice mail. They do not respond to email either.

    Is anyone familiar with this company - their website looks legit but my friend is getting nervous.

    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

  2. #2
    Join Date
    17th June 15
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    I'm not positive, but I believe this is the same Highland Heritage that has a tent every year at Stone Mountain Highland Games in GA. I have purchased a kilt from that tent, and know of others who have as well (they sold a fellow Buchanan a special Buchanan Blue weave kilt a few years ago). Hopefully they are one and the same, and your friend gets his kilt soon!

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