I recently bought a kilt that had been hemmed using an invisible stitched that set the length from 24" down to around 22". I was told that the selvage edge still in original condition and was never cut when they altered Kilt to make shorter, it was simply folded & stitched.
Under normal circumstances, I would either be reaching out to one of our sponsors or the local tailor (who does the kilts for a number of the bands in my area) about "fixing" this issue, but given the current climate we are in, I'm wondering if this is something that I might be able to fix/undo fairly easily myself.
So, for someone with virtually no seamstress experience under my belt, I am curious if people would suggest that I could do this myself, or advise that I just hold off and let a professional do it.
I would also like advice on, once I remove the stitches holding up the hem, do I just steam out the crease?
Thank you all in advance for your help, and understanding my level (or lack thereof) of kilt modification.