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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st August 18
    Birmingham, England
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    Anyone have problems with long shirt tails showing with the kilt?

    I have some bib front dress shirts that have long shirt tails, which is how most dress shirts used to be made in that length up to the mid 20th century ish, about mid thigh, & is quite long enough to be conspicuously visible under the kilt since it's so long (even though it's way shorter than the kilt a big stretch of white Is somewhat noticeable. Anyone deal with this issue? not sure what to do as I want to wear this shirt with formal kilt outfits but not sure what to do

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I would suggest having a seamstress shorten the shirttail, which any decent seamstress could easily do, or else wear a different dress shirt. I have several dress shirts, but have never had a problem with the shirttail showing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Victoria, BC Canada 48° 25' 47.31"N 123° 20' 4.59" W
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    The long tails were originally designed to keep the shirt tucked in and looking nice and neat.

    The tails should not show under the kilt.

    There was actually a kilt shirt designed with long tails which did not show under the bottom edge.

    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Ashton View Post
    The long tails were originally designed to keep the shirt tucked in and looking nice and neat.

    The tails should not show under the kilt.

    There was actually a kilt shirt designed with long tails which did not show under the bottom edge.

    hi steve, do you have any details on this shirt? I wasn’t aware that kilt specific shirts existed

    i could have my shirt tails shortened a bit but I have always preferred long ones as they do defijitely stay tucked in a lot better than shorter, I would be loath to cut it too short & have it start creeping out the waistband again
    Last edited by Kriegbert; 1st November 21 at 08:23 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    This was a shirt to my own design and made in my shop for a custom fit.

    Unfortunately my Kilt Shirt did not sell well. I made about 50 over 10 years so discontinued the line.

    Perhaps if I wanted to stock a wider range of shirt fabrics I could have sold more but as it was, the shirt just was not a big seller.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Ashton View Post
    This was a shirt to my own design and made in my shop for a custom fit.

    Unfortunately my Kilt Shirt did not sell well. I made about 50 over 10 years so discontinued the line.

    Perhaps if I wanted to stock a wider range of shirt fabrics I could have sold more but as it was, the shirt just was not a big seller.
    that’s a shame! I take it you made this since longer shirt tails also tend to stay tucked in better? I’m not sure if that’s just my personal experience or if others have found that to be the case as well—of course historically the tail ends would be girded under the groin in lieu of underwear.

    it sure is a lot of buttons to button though, the shirt I have is a vintage cut where it’s roomy enough to slip over the shoulders & therefore is pulled over, & buttoned only down to aabout the navel. I much prefer this type


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