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Thread: Mackie Balmoral

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mackie Balmoral

    A very very reasonable price for a Mackie Balmoral from this seller (no connection). 2 colour options and restricted sizes. Black with bottle green toorie and dicing is here -


    "Humanity is an aspiration, not a fact of everyday life."

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I'd tread warily here. Both my genuine Mackie Balmorals have a black label stitched into the centre of the crown stating "ROBERT MACKIE OF SCOTLAND Since 1845" with the Robert Mackie logo. The logo shown here is similar but different. My Balmorals also have the Made in Scotland, size and wool bumph label but without a logo. £10 is probably a bargain for any Balmoral, but it seems too good to be true for a genuine Robert Mackie Balmoral even if it were a factory 'second.' As I recall both my Balmorals were made to order by Robert Mackie.
    Last edited by Dr Bee; 26th February 22 at 03:30 AM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Be aware that Mackie has changed their labels over the years.

    I have four Mackie bonnets.

    The oldest (a Balmoral) was purchased direct from Mackie around 1985. Note the distinctive Robert Mackie thistle logo.

    Also note that there was never a label attached to centre.

    The next-oldest (a Glengarry) was purchased around 1998.

    Now we come to two bonnets I purchased during 2021.

    A Glengarry as the same label as above, with a second label attached partially covering it.

    Note that the Robert Mackie thistle logo on the main tag has remained unchanged at least since the 1980s, however the new additional label has a slightly different style thistle.

    A Balmoral has the same label that appears on all the bonnets above going back to the 1980s, however lacking the thistle logo.

    An additional label is sewn to centre with "since 1845" and a new, more stylised thistle logo.

    In my opinion that Ebay bonnet is 100% a genuine Mackie as it has the unique Mackie label with the Mackie thistle logo.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 26th February 22 at 02:45 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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