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Thread: DCampbell16B

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  1. #1
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    Dale tried to answer your PM. When I hit submit I got a 404 code pop up and it cleared your post and my reply. I have not been able to pull any of it back up.

  2. #2
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    Owego, NY
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    Quote Originally Posted by stickman View Post
    Dale tried to answer your PM. When I hit submit I got a 404 code pop up and it cleared your post and my reply. I have not been able to pull any of it back up.
    @Steve Ashton, can you help? Seems to have happened a second time.
    "There is no merit in being wet and/or cold and sartorial elegance take second place to common sense." Jock Scot

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I am very sorry folks but our hosting company recently swapped X Marks over to new servers. These servers are based on mySQL 8 and do not handle the SQL 5 format that X Marks vBulletin ver. 4 is currently using.

    I have been in contact with a few folks about upgrading X Marks to vBulletin 5 or even 6 but our current layout is highly customized and few seem to be willing to want to customize a new forum. Everyone is asking if we would be satisfied with a stock vBulletin page in similar colors to the current layout but without such things as the X Marks Tartan background.

    I am now waiting on pricing quotes.

    But until we can upgrade the forum there will be a few glitches.

    If you are getting a 404 or 403 error message may I suggest that you clear your browser history and cookies. It is possible that you are running into a saved version of the forum that happened during the server swap. I got 403 error messages for a full day just after the swap until I cleared my browser.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

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