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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation UTKilts is knowingly selling synthetic Pakistani tartans using the terms "100% Woolen

    If you own a kilt from UTKilts that claims to be wool, place a loose thread from it in a bowl of bleach and see if it reacts.
    If it doesn't, it's synthetic, not wool.

    I ordered two great kilts from the UTKilts website. I clicked on "Scottish Wool Tartans", and the description says they are "100% Woolen wool".
    When they arrived, one kilt bag had a "Made in Pakistan" sticker, and the other had the sticker cut out of it.

    I was taken aback by how similar the material looked and felt to an acrylic Pakistani kilt my wife purchased at a Scottish festival in a tartan that matched one of the UTKilts. So I did some research and quickly discovered that when wool is submerged in common household bleach (sodium hypochlorite, NaClO) it rapidly loses color, and within hours dissolves entirely.

    I submerged fibers from both UTKilts I purchased in a bowl filled with bleach. They didn't react in the slightest.
    For control groups, I placed a fiber from a Strathmore kilt (real wool) and a fiber from my wife's acrylic kilt into the same bowl with the UTKilts fibers. The Strathmore fiber immediately began bubbling, and its color began to fade. In under 15 minutes, the Strathmore fiber was completely dissolved. The acrylic kilt fiber had no reaction, just like the UTKilts fibers.

    I left the UTkilts fibers and the acrylic fiber in the bleach for 22 hours. They appeared the same at the end as they did at the beginning. Their colors were unaffected, and they had not diminished in any noticeable way.

    Wool cannot survive that test. I let UTkilts know the kilts are synthetic as well as the testing I performed to determine that, and I returned them.
    UTKilts says I'm wrong, claiming the kilts are 100% wool. They say the kilts look exactly like all of their other "100% Woolen wool" kilts from the same supplier.

    After UTKilts received the return, they placed the synthetic kilts back for sale in their clearance section, still advertising them as "100% Woolen wool". One has already been purchased by another unfortunate customer, which prompted me to write this post. ("all that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing")

    So UTKilts has scientific evidence they're selling fakes, but they're determined to do it anyway. They're knowingly running a scam. Please beware, and if you have a wool kilt from UTKilts, I recommend testing it yourself.

    In the attached image, the Strathmore thread is in the top-left, covered in bubbles from reacting with the bleach. The Pakistani acrylic thread is the blue one in the middle. All of the other threads are from UTKilts.

    UTKilts is a wolf in synthetic sheep's clothing.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	44140

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    There's a reason they're no longer an advertiser on or member of this forum...

    Shaun Maxwell
    Vice President & Texas Commissioner
    Clan Maxwell Society

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