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  1. #1
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    FAO Jock Scot / Phil re: Tat and the Scottish Identity

    I knew the original thread (http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...ml#post1010979) was getting out of hand, but I felt I had something to contribute.

    I've recently came to an understanding of Jock's viewpoint on Scotland's National Dress. The manner which I came to it, happened to be through the horrible movie "Cold Mountian".

    You see, I grew up in the real "Cold Mountain", in Haywood County, Western North Carolina. The area I grew up in was rife with artists, musicians, and superb craftsmen working in wood, glass, metal. There was a culture and a sensibility that few outside Appalachia can understand. The worst thing that could have ever happened to our culture was probably the "Snuffy Smith" cartoons, but we just shrugged that off.

    Apparently Hollywood fell in love with my home, and started cranking out movies that were filmed in the region. People who visited took a liking to the area, without knowing much about it except that it was "isolated", "quaint", and "so beautiful"...

    Lo and behold, after a decades hiatus, I return to my hometown to find it touristy, commercial, and cheapened somewhat. The culture that I once cherished has been replaced with the same busy, hectic, angry lifestyle that we disliked about the "big cities". Real estate is so expensive that my father, who's lifelong dream was to own his own land in the mountains, died at 54 without so much as a couple of guitars and his pickup truck to show for it. A few months later, friend of my father and hillbilly icon Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton killed himself while awaiting trial for moonshining.

    And while these "fellers" out in the hills were living their lives and unknowingly celebrating their culture, their very culture abroad was being pulled out from under them. The "country" is, for lack of a better word, became "City-fied".

    And it literally wasn't until now that I've realized the similarities.

    I used to be mildly offended at Jock's commentary, as I have at times encountered several expat Scots who verbally made their disdain known about anyone not born north of Hadrian's Wall wearing the National Dress... But the more I thought about it, the more I realize that the resentment that he himself has admitted to feeling in the past, is probably quite similar to the resentment I have to the cheapening and eradication of the culture that I took advantage of my whole life.

    I just hope some people realize it's not being a "kilt kop" or snobbery - it's respect and hopefully preservation. And if that doesn't matter to you, then nor should the opinions of those who disagree.

    And Jock, I truly hope you don't feel like I have "put words in your mouth".

    Mods, I can understand this thread being shutdown if needs be...
    Last edited by Joshua; 22nd August 11 at 12:24 PM.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  2. #2
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    Gosh Joshua, what am I supposed to say? No you are not putting words in my mouth, although perhaps I might have said what you said in not quite the same way.

    Alright, those of you that have been on this website for six months will know full well where I stand when it comes to kilt matters. But newcomers don't, so whilst sounding like a stuck record to the "old lags", the newbies get to learn where I am coming from when I answer, yet again, the same questions over and over again. That is the way of things with a healthy website where a constant stream of newcomers arrive, ask questions and who answers them? Well, an "old lag" like me!

    So, yes, I am proud of my National attire. Yes, I would prefer that the kilt stayed in Scotland. No, I don't like the fact others other than Scots wear the kilt. No, I can't change the fact that people from outwith Scotland do. No, I don't like how some people wear the kilt. Yes, I am very unsure about the modern "kilt". Yes, Jock needs to get real. Yes, I will get there, one day! Yes, I do believe that there should be freedom of choice. Yes, I do think that when one exercises that freedom, responsibilities also come with it. Yes, I do think if one is wearing some one else's National attire one should do so respectfully. So what to do?

    Simple really, think long term and educate, educate, educate. Some need no education about the kilt. Some, the majority I believe, will listen and at least think about the kilt and why and how it is worn. Some, as is their right, dismiss kilt conventions to a greater or lesser degree and fair enough. These may even dismiss me too, but I can do no more.

    In passing, whilst I have been here on this wonderful website(yes it does have the occasional failing in case the mods get big headed!), I have "met", some wonderful people with so much to offer in the form of knowledge, humour and kindness. I have had the benefit of four years of great fun and interesting discussion (the odd tiff too) and with a spot of luck, I hope you all will put up with a few years more of me yet!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 23rd August 11 at 02:40 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    ...and with a spot of luck, I hope you all will put up with a few years more of me yet!

    Jock, I for one sincerely hope that it is more than a few years. I truly value your opinions whether I always follow them or not, and doff my flat cap to you, sir, in sincere reverence.


  4. #4
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    I am happy to put up with you Jock. I live outwith Scotland and I am not really Scottish (oh really? you don't say!) but I learn a great deal from your perspective. You are the "old school" epitomised, and I mean that both gently and nicely and I think without your calm-hand input, unsavoury though it may be to some, we'd all run away with ourselves and allow our enthusiasm to overcome our common sense. Please keep doing what you do. We all benefit from your wisdom.

    Incidentally, the course I was telling you about is now venued in Banff rather than Inverness which makes our proposed meet-up awkward probably. I'll make special effort next year to get closer to where you are. The idea of a shared dram and a chew of the fat is ever so appealing to me... That's assuming you can bear to share the same room as an English Bloke! (hehehehe)

  5. #5
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    Jock Scot: I hope we have to put up with many more years of you. Agree, or disagree, I always look forward to your postings.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for putting up with a teenage rebel.

    I think all of us can relate to the commercialization and cheapening of our cultures, whether its local, national, regional, whatever. It hits the mainstream and doesn't have the same appeal that the original model used to have. Would the kilt have the same appeal if it were to be made by Calvin Klein and hit the all the markets? Can you imagine fashion designers telling Scots how to wear their kilts by colour coordinating and matching!!?? (Joke.)
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

    "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross

  7. #7
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    Maybe one day we can all look back and realize that the friendships and knowledge shared here, native Scot, diaspora, and kilted non-Scot alike, can all help preserve traditional Highland Dress. And if, like myself, we have a "rebel streak" and decide to dress down the kilt to the modern casual, we still remain cognizant of the traditional when we do so... and we still know how to dress the kilt properly when the time is appropriate.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  8. #8
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    I don't think that's "Sincerely Unwise".

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Jock Scott said

    Yes, I would prefer that the kilt stayed in Scotland
    OH NO you can't really feel that way? No kilts, No Scottish festivals, No Highland Games, NO bag pipes in The USA or Canada. PLEASE tell me its ok If we try to honor our Scottish Heritage
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty Ross View Post
    Jock Scott said

    OH NO you can't really feel that way? No kilts, No Scottish festivals, No Highland Games, NO bag pipes in The USA or Canada. PLEASE tell me its ok If we try to honor our Scottish Heritage
    Jock shouldn't be penalized for his honesty. Nor should one make assumptions based on his statement about an article of clothing that extends to all things Scottish worldwide.

    Just like I'd prefer that a massive group of outsiders hadn't taken over my home and turned it into something it isn't. I would never get into someone's face for building a $750,000 "summer cabin" on the side of a mountain property once worth about $12,000 and driving the costs to astronomic values unobtainable to the natives, but I can't honestly deny that I harbor resentment.

    Jock has also made it clear that he is here to help, and direct when asked, on the virtues of Highland dress. I think this should be admired, as anyone should be who decides to go against their personal prejudices in the name of friendship.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

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