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Thread: Perspective

  1. #21
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    Re: Perspective

    Got me to thinking about my gutter kilt addict/addiction. No matter which tartan I've chosen for a kilt its always been one I liked.
    When I chose a tartan for the meaning to me - clan or service - I've also liked the tartan - found it pleasing to my eye and have been proud to wear it.
    There are tartans that are meaningful to me that I have declined to order and wear because the tartan is NOT pleasing to me. I've yet to buy a tartan kilt with a tartan I didn't like just because of the tartan's meaning.
    So I like the way that dancer thinks.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  2. #22
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    Re: Perspective

    I have aways championed the idea behind the dancer's choice of tartans for a kilt. 3 of my tanks were bought for Bands or organizations, the other 4 because I like them or they fit a need I had. 1) because it is purple and I wanted a purple kilt, 2)..welll blackwatch, cuz I wanted that tartan, 3)I saw one pleated to the red stripe, though it was ugly and then saw it pleated to the blue/black and had to have one, 4) I am a Pittisbugh Steeler FAN and had to have a yellow and black one. Writing this, I guess I have had other reasons to get what I got, but as RiverKilt said, I get ones I like. BTW only 1 of my tartan kilts is Familyish.
    aka Scott Hudson, Mason,Minister, Eagle Scout, Vet, Teacher, Student, Piper, and Burner
    Liberty starts with absolute rights over your own Body, Mind, Actions, and Earnings.

  3. #23
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    Re: Perspective

    Quote Originally Posted by ThistleDown View Post
    Churchill might have, but you would have to search his writings for years to find it...and then he might have added "but this enjoyable whisky is not the same whisky as I enjoyed this morning."
    Hahaha! Quite!

  4. #24
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    Re: Perspective

    Quote Originally Posted by Stilletto_Rebel View Post
    Time flies like a banana!

    I believe the quote, attributed to Groucho Marx was:
    "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana".
    One has no need for a snooze button, when one has a hungry cat.

    Tartan Riders, Kilted Oregon

  5. #25
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    Re: Perspective

    Simple. I like it.

  6. #26
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    Re: Perspective

    Quote Originally Posted by Really a McQueen View Post

    I believe the quote, attributed to Groucho Marx was:
    "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana".

    I had a feeling I was not entirely correct, but the boss was on his way and I didn't have time to google.

    I also agree with Chas about context. I wear what I like, but there are several tartans I would love to wear (like the Leatherneck tartan), but because of their connections I do not feel entitled to wear them. I am ex-army (Royal Logistic Corps) and wouldn't dream of wearing RAF as I did not serve in that particular branch of service.

  7. #27
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    Re: Perspective

    Quote Originally Posted by Stilletto_Rebel View Post
    I also agree with Chas about context. I wear what I like, but there are several tartans I would love to wear (like the Leatherneck tartan), but because of their connections I do not feel entitled to wear them. I am ex-army (Royal Logistic Corps) and wouldn't dream of wearing RAF as I did not serve in that particular branch of service.

    I wonder which exchange is more likely


    Marine: "I see you are wearing the leatherneck tartan"

    Kiltwearer: "Is it? I didn't know the name. I saw the tartan and really thought it was the best looking tartan I had ever seen so I wanted a kilt in it"

    Marine: "The leatherneck tartan was designed in honor of the US Marine Corps. You are right about it being the best looking tartan. It is a handsome.
    Wear it proudly and remember the men and women of the Marines when you do"

    Kiltwearer: "Will do. Thank you for your service"

    (The two fellows smile at each other and go their separate ways, end of scene)



    Marine: "I see you are wearing the leatherneck tartan"

    Kiltwearer: "Is it? I didn't know the name. I saw the tartan and really thought it was the best looking tartan I had ever seen so I wanted a kilt in it"

    Marine: "The leatherneck tartan was designed in honor of the US Marine Corps. If you aren't a Marine you don't have any right to wear that tartan."

    Kiltwearer: "Err...is it a Marine uniform or something? I didn't realize we had kilts as part of military uniforms in the United States? If no one but Marines can wear it why was it offered to me as an option in the kilt shop?"

    Marine: "I don't give a crap that you bought it with your own money. You aren't a Marine and have no right to wear it. That is OUR tartan!"

    Kiltwearer: "Well I bought it and I'm going to wear it. But you have taught me one thing"

    Marine: "What's that?"

    Kiltwearer: "Marines are jerks!"

    (fistfight ensues, the police are called, and we fade out on this sad scene)

    My money is on that #1 would be the way things would go 99.9999% of the time


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  8. #28
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    Re: Perspective

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    I've met some smokin' hot women . . . .

    . . . and I married one!

    I guess sometimes thats just what you have to do when/if you don't have a tie to any clans or districts but still want to sport the kilt. Just find one that is pretty!

    That actually reminds me of the talk I had recently with my Pakistani. He was looking at kilt pics on here with me cause I was showing him what he'll be forced to wear someday (*wink*) and he spotted the kilt on ehiker's little boy and said "I want that one!" so I told him that he could have it only if it had any affiliation with Co. Cork, Co. Derry, nonspecific Scottish tartan or like...a pride tartan, or POSSIBLY MacGregor (being that I am a Walker even though I wouldnt wear MacGregor simply because theres a very good chance I have no affiliation with MacGregor...but I was willing to be lenient if he loved the tartan). Anyway, ehiker said the tartan was Ancient Campbell, I told him that he might have to find something else. He was so crushed. I told him that if he loved it that much, he can just go ahead and wear it since Im glad he's into kilts at all.

    He eventually decided that he would rather wear a kilt that I have a connection to (and to match me) than to go off wearing a random tartan and have to explain why when peopel ask him what tartan it is. lol.

    anyway, sorry to hijack your thread! Just reminded me of that story.

  9. #29
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    Re: Perspective

    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post

    I wonder which exchange is more likely


    My money is on that #1 would be the way things would go 99.9999% of the time



    Jamie, I am betting that you are right. I personally would not wear Leatherneck, US Army or other service tartan because I don't want to give the impression that I am claiming to be someone who I am not.

    Interestingly, I don't feel the same about clan tartans (I have owned kilts in Robertson and Wallace, to which I have no known familial ties). This could certainly be interpreted as hypocrisy, but thre is an emotional ledge in there somewhere and, for me, it lies somewhere between military branch tartan and non-related clan tartan.

    I would also guess that someone with a lot less family connection to military service than I do might find there ledge somewhere else, and that's just fine by me.

    My $.02

    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
    Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
    New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!

  10. #30
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    Re: Perspective

    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    At a Scottish Country Dance on Saturday I asked the fellow in the set next to me what the handsome tartan was that he was wearing.

    He replied

    "A blue and gold one"

    I laughed and then he continued with "I think it is an Irish district tartan"

    As an Scottish Country dancer he needed a kilt and he picked a tartan he liked.

    It was as simple as that

    And you know what?

    I am totally OK with that. Tartan can have all sorts of meaning.

    But it can also just be beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

    Didn't someone once say that "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"


    Yesterday as I was getting ready to attend a business lunch, I decided to wear a tweed jacket with a tartan tie. I chose my "Maple Leaf" and thought, "I have absolutely no connection to this tartan at all. I just like the colors."

    I have a number of tartan ties as they are much less expensive to acquire than kilts, but this is the only one that I do not have some sort of connection to, however tenuous that connection might be.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
    Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
    Scottish-American Military Society
    US Marine (1970-1999)

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