18th July 12, 01:04 PM
yes this is a very complicated subject, old Highlanders supposedly flung off thei garments going into battle and even it's said tossed off their shirts when it was quite hot . I'd say it would be prudent to stick to what's been and apply it to fishing, at least you get into the waders more easily . Jest .
18th July 12, 03:11 PM
 Originally Posted by Alan H
Jock, you go fishing in a TIE!!!
I stand in awe. 
Wait a minnit...doesn't everybody....?
24th July 12, 12:21 PM
The gentleman standing behind the boy fishing looks like the english price Charles? Anyway, he'd get a scolding if he stood this close to me when fly fishing. He was very lucky to only get snagged in the sweater; It could easily have been his ear (ask me how I know ;o) ) when using a long powerful splitcane for salmon I could easily use 15-20 yards of line. Quite some weight behind that!
First time I saw someone using a fly rod (about 25 years back, I was 14 at the time) I just HAD to get one myself and try. Spent all my summer's money on gear (even then rather expensive) and practiced all summer. Nothing gave me a sense of freedom this strong until I flew my first RC glider. Still one of my favorite pastimes, fly tying and using them to snare some fish. *strolls out to find his gear*
Last edited by sadkingbilly; 24th July 12 at 12:59 PM.
27th July 12, 12:00 PM
Never been fly fishing, but I have fished this year in both my Mossy Oak UK & SK ACU. No pics, though. Sorry, lads!
27th July 12, 01:17 PM
Fantastic photos Jock, thanks for sharing. Well done on your fine catch too.
28th July 12, 09:46 AM
kilt flyfishing
staying on track and speaking of split cane time to take a nod to the grandpappy of Orvis ..WES JORDAN of Vermont, Sharpe's of Aberdeen maker of the famous 9' 6/7 weight Scottie rod model they'd be the ideal outfit to contact on fishing with a kilt on . They sent their guys over to Orvis to check Wes's plastic bamboo impregnation process and bring it on back to Scotland so you could fish for trout in a kilt . I wonder if granda would have liked to've fished in a kilt when he caught the biggest salmon in Britain in 1976 41.5 lbs 47.5" also about Aberdeen .
29th July 12, 01:03 PM
great that did it .. all the gears all over the dining table ..new waders ordered ....large arbor fly reels ..good bargains on weight forward ..fly lines ..6's and 5's..how bout a nice Jackie Stewart racing stripe NO can that ..MORRISON !! of tartan across my fishing vest ! Somebody alwasy has to bring up fishing ..

..tan emergers ..isonychias .....BWO's .....
8th August 12, 02:14 PM
I hadn't thought of combining the two together. I love fly fishing though. Hmmmmmmm, gonna need boots instead of my waders.
9th August 12, 01:55 PM
Sadkingbilly, I notice that you use the word English much as the Boere do: it is applied to anything and anyone from the British Isles.
So a Scot in a kilt is, to them, an Engelsman, as is a Welshman or an Irishman. Nothing can get the dander up in any of these three nationalities as quickly as being taken for English.
Prince Charles is heir to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, not of England.
And, as you find your way around the forums, you will find that he is a pretty snappy dresser in the kilt. (There is a thread dedicated to him: Charles, Duke of Rothesay)
He does not usually wear the kilt in England, but in Scotland he is always kilted, and he has a variety of kilts in different tartans.
In the picture you refer to, he is standing a bit close to his son as the boy casts his fly, but clearly he was in the role of teacher at that moment.
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
[Proverbs 14:27]
9th August 12, 02:27 PM
Well I stand corrected in case of prince Charles. I always thought he was the crown prince of England. But then again, I always thought England and Great Britain were the same thing (and scotland, wales and ireland were complete seperate countries). I might want to catch up on my topography ;)
As for him being a tutor at that moment, yes I certainly assume he was. Nevertheless, if he knew what he was doing he would NOT be standing right behind or even slightly to the right of the young man but at least 10ft to the left. No way for him to ever 'catch a fly' that way (except in case of sudden torrents of wind). Fly fishing is not to be taken lightly as I've used (my home made) flies for trout, salmon and other swimming predators that are quite heavy and can easily take out an eye or seriously damage skin, ears or hands. And not nearly every fly fisher uses hooks without barb/sting so once stuck it can only be removed by cutting into the skin. Trust me, not an pleasant experience by far.
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