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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st June 06
    Cambridge, ON, CANADA
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    Brantford Pipes & Drums ...

    ... is doing a fundraiser performance this evening if you're in Southern / South-Western Ontario. It's in support of Participation House Brantford who provide services to a range of people with physical disabilities.

    It takes place at Heritage United Church in Brantford. There's a dinner first at 5:30 (but call 519-753-1931 to be sure it's not too late to get in for the dinner), and the performance is at 7:00 p.m.

    I'm not sure of the price of tickets for the dinner, because I can only attend the performance, but tickets for the performance are $10 each.

  2. #2
    Hey thyat's my home town, too bad I live way over here in Victoria or I would have been there for sure!


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