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  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th October 09
    Dallas area
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    Calling All DFW (And Surrounding Areas) Kilties


    We have a mission. From our Base Commander -

    Subject: Mayor Price and the City Council needs your help...
    Importance: High


    Just in case you haven't heard the good news, on Dec. 2, Fort Worth will be the proud host to nearly 2,000 family members of our fallen military heroes. This visit to our great city is made possible by the Snowball Express, and it will be the first time this event has to come to Fort Worth. They'll be coming in a caravan of around 40 buses that will end up in the Stockyards for a day of fun. As you can imagine, the holidays are a particularly difficult time for these children and spouses who are missing their loved one who paid a very high price for our freedom.

    These families will be coming in from all over the US, and Mayor Price and the entire City Council wants to make sure we knock their socks off and have a big local showing of support for these families. We want to personally thank them by lining the streets with thousands of our citizens for the caravan that will come through downtown Fort Worth via Spur 280 at about 10 a.m. that morning, make their way out of downtown over the Main St. bridge, and head toward the Stockyards.

    So here's where you come in...We need your help to get the word out. I know many of you have great following on your webpages and social media accounts, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could spare the time to share a few posts to encourage people to get out to greet these families that morning. And if you know any veterans groups, please pass this message along to them.

    To help you, here is a link to the information on our website that includes a video of last year's event in Dallas: http://fortworthtexas.gov/citynews/d...aspx?id=104322. Also, I've attached a message (http://www.4shared.com/file/SlwKCpmm...ss_112612.html) from the Mayor that we will post later next week, but feel free to post this message anytime on your website or share it with your email or social media contacts, etc. Anything to help us get the word out!

    Thanks for your help, and please let me know if you have any questions about any of this.

    As always, thanks for being such great partners! With your help, I know we can really make an impact on these special families.


    Jason Lamers
    Chief of Staff
    Mayor and City Council
    City of Fort Worth

    I will be there. Please pass it on and see if we can give these men and women a proper greeting!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    6th December 10
    North Texas (Dallas/Fort Worth Area) USA
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    Thanks for sharing the opportunity. I certainly think this a great thing for my family to do. I will pass this on to friends and see if i can get something together with my Boy Scout troop.
    Proud to be born of the Elliots, Prices, and Haseys.
    Wearing MacLaren as I serve others through scouting.

    Naturalized Texan - thanking God that He let's me call The Great State of Texas home.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    15th October 09
    Dallas area
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    A couple of us kilties will be meeting at 140 E Exchange Ft Worth Tx 76164 at 9:30am if any wish to join.



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