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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warpfactorx View Post
    LOL Hijack away, I don't mind at all..

    You know, I just realized your in Cali.. Do you hit up alot of the Scottish festivals/events around here?? We're just now figuring out where they are and making plans to hopefully go Might hit up the Queen Mary event next month if I get a new car before then.. lol
    Our favorite SoCal games are the "San Diego" games actually held in Vista. June 22-23 this year -- lovely venue if a bit smaller than the others I'll list.

    Costa Mesa is a huge event held at county fairgrounds -- not a lot of grassy areas, mostly pavement and buildings, but more clan tents, vendors, etc than Vista. May 25-26

    If you stretch your definition, Ventura is another really fun event. We ride the Amtrak train rather than make the long drive. Oct 11-13 (just evening events on the Friday)

    As for a quasi-Burns night, our clan puts on a fabulously fun Scotsman's Ball on March 2 this year.

    We've been to Queen Mary and didn't care for it, but I see from last year's pictures that they have made changes to the event that might lure us back if my business travel doesn't interfere.

    Hope to meet up with you at one or more of these!
    Sydnie and Bob
    Last edited by sydnie7; 31st January 13 at 08:58 AM.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    LOL I think you two guys hit the nail on the head.. I've shown him several suggestions and he tells me " I want something that looks good to me.. It's got to be something I like."

    Can someone post an example of the MOD tam? I tried to do a google search but all I find is women in knitted hats (and some with attached dreadlocks?? lol) I have a feeling thats not what yall are talking about, especially when yall are discussing military looking hats.

    Sydnie and Bob, I think we're planning on the Costa Mesa event, were thinking about the Queen Mary but weren't too sure about it.. Although,t he one in San Diego sounds promising. I didn't know about that one. I think right now, his main thing is he wants to meet and talk with other Clan Campbell people, so the Costa Mesa event sounds most promising as we know they have a large tent there.. and he wants to try haggis.. HAHA (and REALLY grateful that Scotland's national dish is NOT blood sausage or he'd be trying it alone.. haha)

    I thank all of yall for your wonderful suggestions.. and any more yall may throw our direction.. It looks like Monday is the big day - Matt Newsome will be getting an order from us for the kilt and we will start the jonesing process. Charles changed his mind on the tartan - he is going with the Campbell Ancient instead of the Black Watch because of the fact its the more Universal tartan. He likes both, so this wasn't a deal breaker for him, but since he wants to honor his heritage, he'd prefer the more recognized tartan. (Really wish his work schedule would allow him to start hopping on here to discuss with you guys, I've learned so much and I pass it on to him, but I'm sure he has better questions than I do.. LOL)
    Last edited by Babyvett; 31st January 13 at 02:44 PM. Reason: wanted to add something

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    The TOS has been around since World War I.
    Here is an example of the WWII version

    and the current issue

    It's a great suggestion with a proud history.
    Why do I say that? Just look at my avatar.
    Last edited by MNlad; 31st January 13 at 03:04 PM.
    " Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly." - Mae West -

  4. #34
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    Heck if I were out in the Mojave Desert I think I'd wear a straw cowboy hat with the kilt, just to keep the sun off my pasty skin.

    The thing about wearing a US military beret with the kilt is that it LOOKS like you're wearing a US military beret with the kilt; in other words it's clearly matching Scottish civilian and US military dress. Which is fine if that's what you want, but it looks like what it is.

    An equivalent, perhaps, is showing up at a blacktie civilian function wearing the jacket of a black tuxedo with USMC Dress Blues pants, royal blue with a wide red stripe. There's no crime being committed, but it looks like what it is, the mixing of two genres of clothing.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  5. #35
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    Richard, there's a reason I stay indoors most of the day.. If its not for the baking sun that would roast me, its the high winds that would either sand blast me or pick me up and land me in OZ LOL

    I've given him all the info, so I guess I'll see what he decides... but I did manage (with all of yalls help) to kinda sway him away from the military beret. lol Thanks again for all the suggestions - I think he's kinda digging the TOS style, so we shall see

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post

    The thing about wearing a US military beret with the kilt is that it LOOKS like you're wearing a US military beret with the kilt; in other words it's clearly matching Scottish civilian and US military dress. Which is fine if that's what you want, but it looks like what it is.
    I wonder how many people would really recognize that military beret for what it is, and I sincerely doubt that those who did would be disturbed. I'll grant you that wearing dress blue uniform trousers with the red strip would look glaringly out of place with a tuxedo jacket, but I don't think that can be compared to wearing a military beret with a kilt.

  7. #37
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    I doubt 99% of folks would recognize a beret as being specifically military, unless it had a unit badge on it. It would be no more military than wearing surplus cammies devoid of all military insignia. Now the traditional US Navy bell-bottomed uniform parts would be more difficult to pass off as strictly civilian.

  8. #38
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    Some suggest a caubeen, but does he have any Irish heritage?

    At any rate, it seems like he needs something to put the clan badge on. A thought just occurred to me - does it have to be a hat atall? It's perfectly acceptable to use a clan badge to pin a shoulder plaid. Another alternative is to wear a clan kilt pin instead.

  9. #39
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    Nope, no Irish in him at all .. But, I'm thinking he's going to go with the balmoral after all.. In another thread, Tobus posted a few pictures of him in balmorals that weren't black and he took a shine to one of those.. thats IF he decides to wear a hat at all.. Now that he's ordered his kilt and went with the Ancient Campbell rather than the darker Black Watch, I think he's thinking he doesn't need the crest badge on a hat at all, and will probably go topless ;)

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