I was thinking, these lads would be great in a Monty Python "Flying Circus" skit, complete with the crude and rather comical animation of their limbs and bottom jaw.
I was thinking, these lads would be great in a Monty Python "Flying Circus" skit, complete with the crude and rather comical animation of their limbs and bottom jaw.
I am thinking how awesome it would be to have a life size cut out of one of the MacLeay Portraits .
Think of it you could display it in front of the Clan tent for photos .
Not sure how much it might cost but it would be worth it .
I don't know if you've seen their television commercials, but this company specializes in this sort of thing. The resolution issue might be a problem, but it's worth investigating. They undoubtedly have some method of doing enlargements without pixellation problems.
*edited to add:
Oh, and if you do decide to have a life-size cut-out made, you get extra bonus points for leaving a hole in the face area, so visitors can stand behind it and have their photo taken with their own face on top of a Highlander's image.
Last edited by Tobus; 13th February 13 at 06:29 AM.
I don't know if you've seen their television commercials, but this company specializes in this sort of thing. The resolution issue might be a problem, but it's worth investigating. They undoubtedly have some method of doing enlargements without pixellation problems.
Great idea thank you
Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.