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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    Words to Andy Stewart song

    I was just wandering through a folk music site and saw this, which I thought some might enjoy...

    'I Love To Wear The Kilt'
    by Andy Stewart with The Jimmy Blue Scottish Dance Band - 1972

    (Words transcribed, as well as possible, from Andy's singing of it !)

    Well now, I love to wear the kilt because it's right for me.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's bright to see
    The bonnie tartan plaidie swinging up above my knee.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's right for me.

    A lot of folks will tell you that it's just the way I'm built
    When it comes to fads and fashions I'm a Scotsman to the hilt
    But the lassies all look neater, aye the lassies all look sweeter
    And life is much completer when I wear my kilt.

    I love to wear the kilt because it's right for me.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's bright to see
    The bonnie tartan plaidie swinging up above my knee.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's right for me.

    Now when I am far abroad, you'd never lose me in the crowd
    Tho' I'm wee I stand up head and shoulders oh so proud
    And the folks all think 'thegither' he is from the land of 'heather'
    So I 'gaither' up my voice and then I sing out loud .....

    Oh-Ho! I love to wear the kilt .. 'cause it's right for me.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's bright to see
    The bonnie tartan plaidie swinging up above my knee.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's right for me.

    [Eeee ..... Heugh !]

    Well now I used to court a winsome lass but I cudnae score at all
    I wooed her in a love-elly suit but och she wudnae fall
    So one day I donned the tartan an' I told her we wur partin'
    But her heart wis broke in two and she began to bawl ....

    Oh I love you in the kilt because it's right for you
    (My lass had no idea what a kilt would do)
    I love your tartan plaidie and I promise to be true
    I love you in the kilt because it's right for you

    Well now I have a wee bit laddie and he's only two-year old
    And the first day he was walking was a wonder to behold
    He did not look so happy as he toddled in his nappy
    So he turned to his mummy and he began to call ....

    I love to wear the kilt because it's right for me.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's bright to see
    The bonnie tartan plaidie swinging up above my knee.
    I love to wear the kilt because it's right for me.

    Ay, I love to wear the kilt because it's right ... for ... me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    15th March 06
    Kalamazoo, Michigan
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