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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Staying logged on

    How can I stay logged on? When I first joined I was able to go to XMarks whenever I wanted and I would be still logged on. However, just a few days ago that all went away. Now if I'm away for just an hour or so I have to log in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Just a guess here, but have you changed your web browser?

    I'm betting that the reason that I don't need to continually login
    is a combination of cookies (enabled) and a stored password/userid.
    You'd find this under preferences/security on Firefox -- Internet
    Explorer is not a browser that I commonly use, so I can't help with
    it. Opera is being stroppy and won't start, so I can't advise on it either.

    So, in whatever browser that you use check to make sure that cookies
    are turned on and see if your userid/password for xmarks is stored in
    the browser somewhere.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I have the same problem as Rick. Cookies are enabled and I can stay logged into Ravelry, for example, during the same period in which XMarks kicks me off multiple times. I think it is something in the browser tho (Firefox) as I can stay logged in on my phone for days at a time.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The session timeout settings have not changed for about four years.

    After 3600 seconds or 1 hour of inactivity members are logged off automatically by the software.

    As others have said different browser settings can affect if our software would consider you inactive.
    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 15th November 13 at 11:30 PM.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ricky Y , I have experienced this as well . I have also noticed when that happened that I also had to re-login to other things .

    In my experience , this was caused by some bug that I got from browsing other sites . The bug would clear out one's saved logins to any site . Thus requiring you to re-enter your login info , whereby the bug would capture your login info in an effort to steal your identity .

    When this happens , do a security scan with whatever security software you have ( Norton , Spyware , etc . ) and once you have completed that , the constant request to login should go away .

    Anytime you experience an " odd " request to re-login to sites that you have always been able to access without doing the constant login , it's generally a sign that one has picked up an identity bug that wants to capture your login info . The bug doesn't discern between an XMarks login or a credit card or an email login , it just looks for login info .

    I have learned that when I try to click on my XMarks icon on my desktop and then all of sudden it doesn't recognize me ( or any other pre-saved login site ) that I have an identity bug that I accidentally picked up somewhere . So at that point I do a scan and clear out the problem .

    On the other hand , if you are talking about going on the XMarks site and never closing out when you are done , then the site will time you out .

    However , from your comments , it would seem that you are not talking about a time out .

    Hope this helps .

    Cheers , Mike
    Mike Montgomery
    Clan Montgomery Society , International

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Just so we are clear and using the same words.

    Ricky, when you say "log out" do you mean that you open your browser after a period in excess of an hour and the forum is still active and you don't need to log in again?

    Or do you mean that when you go to log in, your username and password are not automatically available, and remembered?

    The first is a time out where you will need to log back onto the forum with your username and password.

    The second is a cookie on your computer that remembers your username and password for you and will automatically enter them in the log in boxes.

    Which are you having problems with?
    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 16th November 13 at 02:11 AM.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Steve, the username and password are remembered. To log in I simply click on 'log in' and it works quickly. The problem is that, although I used to always stay logged on despite the length of time away from the computer, now I am apparently getting logged off. I am going to try the suggestion and run a scan and see what happens. I've not made any changes in my Firefox so all settings should still be as they were prior.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Y View Post
    Steve, the username and password are remembered. To log in I simply click on 'log in' and it works quickly. The problem is that, although I used to always stay logged on despite the length of time away from the computer, now I am apparently getting logged off. I am going to try the suggestion and run a scan and see what happens. I've not made any changes in my Firefox so all settings should still be as they were prior.
    I haven't made any browser changes either but same issue. If you have a smartphone or tablet, see if you can stay logged in there. If so (as with me), it's a Firefox thing and I just live with it.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Some anti-virus software will remove cookies, when set to the highest setting.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I ran a scan using Superantispyware (the free version). It found 13 threats, removed them all and I logged onto XMarks, left for over six hours, came home and I am still logged on!

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