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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I am going to Chicago

    Evening Gents,

    I've been intending on attending the Chicagoland International Pipe Tobacciana show 1st -4th of May.
    Since its so far away I'm coming for the week before arriving on the 27th April and flying home on the 4th May.

    Everything before the 1st is still up in the air and I have nothing planned, Does anyone in the area have any recommendations of things to do in or around Chicago/ places to stay before I head out to St Charles on the friday?

    Meeting any of the natives would be nice too.

    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wear a dandelion on May Day so you will be recognized as an XMarksman. The kilt may be a ploy by others to fit in. OR! an attempt to be invited. Have fun anywhere the smoke waifs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I am 5 min south of st Charles. I might have to make the pipe show. If not we could go grab a beer. Nothing better than meeting up fellow members and making new friends.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Im in Lake in the Hills, not too far away, what sorts of things are you interested in? Chicago has a few great museums if you were so inclined, I would recommend sampling some Chicago deep dish pizza, grab a few Chicago style hot dogs or an Italian beef sandwich.

    And should you be inclined to knock the froth off a beer or two I could be persuaded to help in the beverage consumption.
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    Wear a dandelion on May Day so you will be recognized as an XMarksman. The kilt may be a ploy by others to fit in. OR! an attempt to be invited. Have fun anywhere the smoke waifs.
    There are no certainties with the dandelion! I spent several minutes chatting to a charming group of American athletes at the Inverness Highland Games last September with my dandelion proudly to the fore on my bonnet and it was only a few weeks after the event when an xmarks member let on-----after a picture was published---- that he was there in the group, six feet away! Ever since I have been fighting back various thoughts on this. Am I so awful that he did not want let on? NO don't answer that! Was the chap blind? I know not, but a fellow could develop some sort of complex , particularly as the American, another xmarks member, that I was supposed to meet went into hiding!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 15th March 15 at 01:39 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  6. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:

  7. #6
    Join Date
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    Have a great trip Jordan. I had a couple of days in Chicago and thought it was the most wonderful city. If your luggage is not too heavy you can get the subway in to the city from O'Hare for $2 rather than $50 for a cab, but that said it is a big place and not too easy to navigate.
    The Downtown area is very amenable to exploration on foot and the Sears Tower was cool - I forget the name of the other tower and I'm sure that is equally good. Two days in Chicago was not nearly enough.

  8. The Following User Says 'Aye' to John_Carrick For This Useful Post:

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    There are no certainties with the dandelion! I spent several minutes chatting to a charming group of American athletes at the Inverness Highland Games last September with my dandelion proudly to the fore on my bonnet and it was only a few weeks after the event when an xmarks member let on-----after a picture was published---- that he was there in the group, six feet away! Ever since I have been fighting back various thoughts on this. Am I so awful that he did not want let on? NO don't answer that! Was the chap blind? I know not, but a fellow could develop some sort of complex , particularly as the American, another xmarks member, that I was supposed to meet went into hiding!
    It sounds like the XMARKER who didn't recognize you by your dandelion was a "shrinking violet"!

  10. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Mael Coluim For This Useful Post:

  11. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    Wear a dandelion on May Day so you will be recognized as an XMarksman. The kilt may be a ploy by others to fit in. OR! an attempt to be invited. Have fun anywhere the smoke waifs.
    Cheers, I'll have to remember to pack it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sample m View Post
    I am 5 min south of st Charles. I might have to make the pipe show. If not we could go grab a beer. Nothing better than meeting up fellow members and making new friends.
    If you have any interest in the pipe I'd recommend it, I've never been of course but I've only heard good things.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrainReaper View Post
    Im in Lake in the Hills, not too far away, what sorts of things are you interested in? Chicago has a few great museums if you were so inclined, I would recommend sampling some Chicago deep dish pizza, grab a few Chicago style hot dogs or an Italian beef sandwich.

    And should you be inclined to knock the froth off a beer or two I could be persuaded to help in the beverage consumption.
    I don't mind the odd museum, I was just thinking the usual touristy stuff. Definitely going for a pizza as well.

    I'm not adverse to an adult beverage or two and have been known to partake myself.
    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  12. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Jordan For This Useful Post:

  13. #9
    Join Date
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    Have a great trip Jordan.
    Sorry I can't give you any advice as I haven't visited Chicago, other than be sure to take a heavy kilt pin with you as Chicago gets a reputation as the "Windy City".
    My dad visited Chicago in 1942 while on leave from the military in Canada and there are a few of his Chicago photos among this set on my Flickr site:-
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 15th March 15 at 06:54 AM.

  14. #10
    Join Date
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    The field museum is my favorite, it has the dinosaur skeletons, tons of animal mounts including the two famous man eating lions from the movie "The Ghost and the Darkness"

    The art museum is another favorite of mine.

    Yep... Culture. More than a growth of microorganisms
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  15. The Following User Says 'Aye' to GrainReaper For This Useful Post:

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