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  1. #1
    georgeetta is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    new york highlandesrs and islanders

    1738 Isle of Islay under Campbell patent on ARGYLL Wash Co NY .. denied title for long time many settled across the river in ..Northumberland area ..like John MacRae and his sister killed Jeannie another family was the ..Allen family Cossayuna massacre during same raids of Burgoyne . Denoied title it was said many settled in Fort Lee NJ -I had heard on scrap land .

    Skene started Skenesborough/WHITEHALL with French and Indian War grants that ran along up down Lake Champlain for officers and pvts etc .

    Crown Point Village was a Robt Campbell . Port Henry was a Alex- MacKenzie ..their deeds had a shoreline azimuth to FORT Crown Point features , its flagstaff ..bastion corner ..many were "run off" or worse by Vermonters before and during the Revolution ..a 1774 NYS Library map shows every single lot and owner ..

    Glen settled across from Schenectady and bartered for prisoners of the Stockade massacre about 1690's .

    The Livingston family were prominent in NYS politics in Columbia County ..there are portraits in plaid of children in museum .

    1774 Glengarry MacDonnell's came to Kingsburgh @ Sir William Johnsons ..then became Tories serving in Johnson's Greens, Butler's Rangers possibly Queens Rangers ..later settling in ? across 1000 Islands bridge .. ! Kingston Ontario ? see the tartan tomahawk in HIGHLANDER magazine nice article .

    There many Scots about Cherry Valley in the Massacre during Revolution .

    a Glen @ Glen's Falls NY .

    Many later worked in Schenectady at the Locomotive works .

    -that's all I got in my bag .


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Victoria, BC Canada 48° 25' 47.31"N 123° 20' 4.59" W
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    thread moved from The Library to Misc.
    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 4th June 15 at 05:34 PM.
    Steve Ashton
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  3. #3
    georgeetta is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    kilt intro 1965

    I 'd just got to Scotland Aberdeen for 1st time to see the family.. Grandma, Granda etc ..

    My Uncle Robert picked us up at the train station and I met my 2 girl cousins ..so we stayed at Grandparents and they form Buckie stayed at their Grandparents ..meanwhile we all went down to the beach ..it was windy chilly but nice ..we kids ..played they had like commando nets to climb on ..and there were wading pools which we all ..walked along the top like a balance beam ..till I fell in .

    So I'd no dry clothes and my Auntie Chrissy said somebody'd give a kilt to her younger son ..so I wound up with it till .. the duds dried out .

    then I got drummed outside to stand at the wall and directed to pose like I was doing a highland fling ..Ma tellin' me to do this and that arm up fingers pinched ..

    Moral was ..I wore it so when my uncles told their soldier/service stories ..in Seaforths, Gordons or Argylls or Black Watch ..at least I had the gyst of it -without the early wake up calls .


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Victoria, BC Canada 48° 25' 47.31"N 123° 20' 4.59" W
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    Thread moved from Craig's corner to Misc.
    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 4th June 15 at 05:33 PM.
    Steve Ashton
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  5. #5
    georgeetta is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    nice een smarty sandy !!

    in the movie the guy that lived at end of the bridge that gets shot up lived up at Ticonderoga NY ..neighbor married his daughter . I can say it gets better ..when I was a kid it was a house of 5 boys all claiming 100 % Irish ..so 'ye ken wel' fi'that'd be lyke tae hae'd t've lissen tae .

    later I guess they were told grunnie other side was a Campbell so eldest brother now is on committee for the Lake Placid/Whiteface games .

    Oyls well fit enz weel .

    Good interesting bunch .

    -doesn't mean I don't get off the occasional snicker . I'm no better off ..Dad's sisters all say they are ..pure Irish ..and their Ma before ..with her last name being Clay .. and they looked it ..like Uncle Ebeneezer in Kidnapped ..splains a lot !




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