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  1. #11
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    Last evening I pulled all my ties off their racks and laid them on the bed. I ran out of room and had to drape a few on the pillows. But here's a photo of the ties I currently have. Looking at them this morning, I'm thinking there are 14 of them that I have no interest in keeping (identified by yellow thumbtack icons). I'll start a thread in the swap forum with closer photos of the ones I want to sell/trade away.

    And just for giggles, there's also a photo of my box full of shirt/tie accessories. It's a jumbled mess, but it's kind of fun digging through there when I'm choosing a tie tack, tie bar, cufflinks, or whatever.

    Just as a reminder, I'm interested in links to any online suggestions you might have for finding decent neckties.

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  3. #12
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    Oh, and by the way, I have a special request for anybody who might know:

    In the photo below, the 4 at right are bowties. One of them (3rd from right) is maroon and olive with a gold separator stripe. I absolutely adore these colours! I cannot remember where I bought this bowtie - it was online somewhere. I don't think it's a regimental tie scheme, and appears to just be a fashion pattern. I have been looking for a full-length necktie in this same pattern for years. Paired with a tattersall shirt, it would be the proverbial bee's knees! Does anybody know where I can find that pattern in a long necktie?

  4. #13
    Nomad's Avatar
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    Not the same but close alternative, dapperlapel.com . They also have a brown prince of Wales which is quite nice, unless you already have 30 ties.

    Last edited by Nomad; 1st August 18 at 11:18 AM.

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  6. #14
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    Nice! I do like that one, Nomad. I see several I like on their site. I hadn't found that site yet, so thanks!

    I just wish their ties weren't all 60" long. Even a standard 58" tie can sometimes be too long for my frame. I either have to use a bulkier knot with more wraps (like a half-Windsor instead of a Four-in-hand), or just run the tail extra long and tuck it into my shirt or trousers. That's another thing I would want to do if I end up converting ties into skinnier ties: I'd shorten them by a couple of inches.

  7. #15
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    Had a thought for you. I went looking at the Simplicity (sewing patterns) website), for tie patterns. They have several. Included with waistcoat patterns. Could you modify a pattern to suit your needs? Then, disassemble a tie (first, use one that you hate, in case of a mistake). Lay the pattern over it, & create a new one. If it must be reduced in size, there should be ample (relatively speaking) material to work with.
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

  8. #16
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    Tobus.... I think I’ve found the perfect option for you😉.
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    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  9. #17
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    Whee! I haven't worn a bolo tie since the 1980s when they were temporarily back in style. Or at least they were out in West Texas where I lived.

    I just never could take to the look.

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  11. #18
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    I got into ties a few years ago. I thought I would be wearing them for a new business but that never happened. I did become a bit of a tie addict, despite not wearing them as often as I thought.

    I kind of like the idea of a tie swap. Although I am not sure what ones I would give up.

    As for sources, I have had good luck online and also at discount tables in most menswear stores.

  12. #19
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    My favorite ties are the Tommy Bahama ties. Easy going, nice colors, really not novelty, but pure silk, expensive though, but really nice patterns. My ties look much like yours, but I do add a little more "color", or variety, with such ties as:

    You get to wear almost a vacation in the islands....
    Last edited by CollinMacD; 2nd August 18 at 06:16 AM.
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
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  13. #20
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    CollinMacD, that hula girl tie reminds me of the old "peek-a-boo" ties that were popular a long time ago. These usually had a traditional pattern on the front, but the back side had a pin-up girl image that you could see by flipping the tail up. Needless to say, those probably wouldn't be acceptable in today's environment. Even the hula girl tie might raise some eyebrows in a work environment.

    One source of ties that I've used over the years is The Tie Bar. They have a nice range and selection, but seem to be more on the trendy side rather than traditional. That said, they do have a lot of traditional styles, and I like that they have a vast range of materials that you don't find in the usual outlets. Things like linen, wool, cotton, and of course a lot of knit ties. (As I said, I'm really into texture these days.)

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