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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    To get the all the pleats nice and even underneath, for me, takes sweeping with both hands in one motion.

    Not a problem except when sitting in a car, when I have to scoot in sideways which makes the pleats all ahoo.

    I have to get my rear end into place first, then do the sweep of the pleats.
    Yes, Richard, I do that too. What irritates me ,is that no matter which way I sweep, there are pleats in the middle that always always get caught under me. Always. Everytime. I fear that my waist size may be too big, and that that is what is causing the issue. As in, excess pleat material or something. I may be wrong though. Anyways, basically, all the pleats to the left and right of the ones in the crotch area (using that as a reference point) get smoothed out very easily, no fuss. Go right down the legs flat, like they are supposed to. The ones relative to the middle/crotch area/middle of buttocks/however you wish to reference it, however, bunch up. The only way to get them flat is to pull the pleats outward on both sides, using the sides of the aprons. However, I find that this method results in me having lots of fabric going down the sides of my chair. I seem to be the only kiltie who has ever had this issue, so maybe the issue, lies with me, but anyways, that is the trouble I encounter. Does that make any sense?

  2. #12
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    I really thing you are over-worrying this thing. I don't do anything other than those who have posted to your thread (except for the bungiecord one -- phew!). I simply 'sweep' the pleats from the rise to their end -- and sit. Perhaps that needs a demonstration video or videos? I'm sure that XMarks could come up with those and I'm a tad surprised that we haven't done so already. I guess we'll have to get on it

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  4. #13
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    I think I can recall in the dim and distant past,Hamish might have done a video on how it’s done.
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  5. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:

  6. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThistleDown View Post
    I really thing you are over-worrying this thing. I don't do anything other than those who have posted to your thread (except for the bungiecord one -- phew!). I simply 'sweep' the pleats from the rise to their end -- and sit. Perhaps that needs a demonstration video or videos? I'm sure that XMarks could come up with those and I'm a tad surprised that we haven't done so already. I guess we'll have to get on it
    Yes, I may be over-thinking it and just missing something. I've watched several videos of guys sitting down in them, and have tried to copy that, but keep running into the same issue mentioned above. Is very perplexing lol.

  7. #15
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    I thought that one of the rental companies had done a video but am unable to locate it. Basically it was get in and sweep the pleats.

    NKG , maybe do a video of you sitting and then the rabble may be better able to sneak a peek and critique the technique .

  8. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodhran4me View Post
    I thought that one of the rental companies had done a video but am unable to locate it.
    Try USA kilts' website.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  10. #17
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  11. The Following User Says 'Aye' to MikeC For This Useful Post:

  12. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Try USA kilts' website.
    Yes, Father Bill. Rocky and Eric have videos on their website, Kilts and Culture Facebook group, and YouTube channel covering this and many of same topics as here.
    They reccomend a beach towel wrapping for car sitting.

  13. The Following User Says 'Aye' to KnittedReenactor For This Useful Post:

  14. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC View Post
    I think that is the one! Despite ThistleDown's dismay, I do still find using the cord trick beneficial in some smaller vehicles as I find I often don't have a lot of room to get in or to lift and sweep as my knees are already on the dash board and my head is trying to poke itself out the sun roof, in particular if there is somebody in the seat behind or in front. But then again I am a gangly, ill coordinated twit. In larger vehicles or just sitting in a chair the accepted sweep is quite sufficient.

  15. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Can I suggest that the OP goes to "General Kilt Talk" and looks at the post just posted by "Neloon" titled "The Duke of Rothesay". Take a good look at the video there and how the Duke gets himself organised with no fuss whilst sitting down whilst wearing the kilt.
    For further reference, the moment is here. Great video! Just sweeping the pleats with my left hand has been sufficient for me so far, but I like the towel idea for driving just for ease of sitting down in a very confined space.

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