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  1. #1
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    Putting finishing tweaks on my first X-kilt (lessons learned)

    Hi and thanks to Steve for this forum which I believe is a great resource for the kilted community.

    I am currently putting the finishing touches and tweaks on my first X-kilt attempt. It's made from dark blue denim and I used the revK method, with 16 pleats. I started this kilt to get my feet wet while I was waiting on my order of Thomson Gray (MacTavish Gray) PV tartan to show up, which I want to make into an 8 yard traditional kilt.

    Thanks to Barb T for her suggestion of measuring hips with a towel rolled up to allow a better hang with a "belly".

    I wish I saw the threads about slope and waist tilt before starting out though. My kilt initially came out with the front being 2.25" longer than the back, but since the denim I used didn't have a usable selvedge anyway, all I had to do was change the hem, keeping the back center pleats as the one reference point and the new front apron level as the second one. I did a simple angled adjustment of the hem which turned out fairly passable.

    Instead of the Velcro on the X-kilt instructions, I chose to go with fabric straps and buckles. I'm still trying to get the "button-hole" presentable though, and I plan to remake the pockets since I don't like the way the flaps turned out.

    I received my tartan fabric now but I'm scared to death to start work on the traditional. I want it to be as near perfect as I can make it.

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  3. #2
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    Using a wool fabric with stripes woven in is so much easier to pleat than any other type of fabric.

    Be sure to get the right measurements - measure, mark and then measure again, count the repeats of the pattern so you are absolutely certain that you are right.

    Anne the Pleater
    I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
    -- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    Using a wool fabric with stripes woven in is so much easier to pleat than any other type of fabric.

    Be sure to get the right measurements - measure, mark and then measure again, count the repeats of the pattern so you are absolutely certain that you are right.

    Anne the Pleater
    Thanks Anne. Due to cost constraints, I was forced to but PV instead of wool for my traditional that I'll be starting in a week or so.

    As to the denim RevK that I'm still futzing over, I'm not happy with the fabric straps because the apron can sag as a result. I am waiting for my order of two sets of three 1.25" wide replacement straps and buckles and I plan to revise the closures on the RevK with leather straps now.

  6. #4
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    Re: “Buttonhole “

    Since first reading the Box Pleat instructions :


    I’ve always used the internal strap, rather than cutting a buttonhole. It also makes moving the straps, in case of waist shrinkage, or expansion, much easier.
    waulk softly and carry a big schtick

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhockin View Post
    Since first reading the Box Pleat instructions :


    I’ve always used the internal strap, rather than cutting a buttonhole. It also makes moving the straps, in case of waist shrinkage, or expansion, much easier.
    Interesting idea. Do you place the buckle on the under apron and the strap on the left inside of the over apron or the other way around? I think buckling an inside strap would be easier the first way with the buckle on the left side of the under apron. The left external buckle and strap has always been a bit awkward for me but I manage.

    Does the buckle under the over apron cause any discomfort in the left waist when trapped underneath the over apron.

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waynetho View Post
    Interesting idea. Do you place the buckle on the under apron and the strap on the left inside of the over apron or the other way around? I think buckling an inside strap would be easier the first way with the buckle on the left side of the under apron. The left external buckle and strap has always been a bit awkward for me but I manage.

    Does the buckle under the over apron cause any discomfort in the left waist when trapped underneath the over apron.
    I put the buckle on the underapron, and the strap(s) in about the same location that the buttonhole would have been.
    No discomfort from the buckle on the edge of the underapron, that I’ve ever noticed.
    waulk softly and carry a big schtick

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhockin View Post
    I put the buckle on the underapron, and the strap(s) in about the same location that the buttonhole would have been.
    No discomfort from the buckle on the edge of the underapron, that I’ve ever noticed.
    I meant to ask why you have two inner straps in staggered positions in that photo. Are they for alternate usage are do both have corresponding buckles on the underapron?


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