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Thread: Ike jacket

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    Ike jacket

    This one is for you, but other input is also solocited. I have a WWII Ike jacket similiar to the Brit combat jacket of the same era that makes for a great military-look with my kilt. What color shirt and tie would you recommend to wear with it? I have a gold shirt that looks great with this jacket so I could try a gold tie that blends like the old khaki shirt and tie that was originally worn with this jacket or should I try to coordinate a solid color tie using one of my tartan's colors-ancient Maclaren is my kilt I will be wearing.

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    Re: Ike jacket

    Quote Originally Posted by CelticRogue
    This one is for you, but other input is also solocited. I have a WWII Ike jacket similiar to the Brit combat jacket of the same era that makes for a great military-look with my kilt. What color shirt and tie would you recommend to wear with it? I have a gold shirt that looks great with this jacket so I could try a gold tie that blends like the old khaki shirt and tie that was originally worn with this jacket or should I try to coordinate a solid color tie using one of my tartan's colors-ancient Maclaren is my kilt I will be wearing.
    Hi CR!

    Whilst I do remember the WWII British khaki, combat 'blouse' as we called them (nasty, very rough and uncomfortable to wear, they were!), I cannot clearly see the Ike jacket, or rather, the colour of it! Also, I'm having some difficulting in imagining a "gold" shirt and tie ...... gold to me is something with a metallic sheen to it, but I cannot believe that is what you have in mind! Should I be thinking of something in a sort of mustard yellow - is that what you'd call "gold"? You do mention the khaki shirt and tie that were worn back in the 1940's, but I really do not think those would be appropriate for wear with the Ike jacket and your kilt - aping the real uniform too much, I'd say. On the other hand, you indicate that you actually WANT to achieve - a military 'look' - a uniform in other words. Is this for an historical re-enactment?

    I am sorry, CR, but I'm getting more confused the more I think about this. The military 'look' is, personally, the last thing I would want but if you are being serious about that, then I suppose you should opt for the khaki shirt and tie, or something very close to it. In a military context, you would not wear a tie co-ordinated with a colour from your tartan.

    Whatever, you select, I think you should be very careful not to be seen to be poorly imitating, in part, a respected military uniform. Or wearing a mish-mash of military and civilian items.

    A final thought: I think I , in your shoes, might consider having the jacket dyed to a navy blue!! (I hope you don't consider that to be sacreligeous?) It would go well with your MacLaren tartan (and many other tartans too); it would be unique and it might not be seen by others as the misuse of a WWII uniform. That, worn with a white shirt and a plain woollen tie in almost any colour from your tartan would look very smart. You might even be able to get away with it on formal occasions, with a bow tie.

    If I've grasped the wrong end of the stick with this, please excuse me. It's almost 1.00am and I've had a tiring day following a hectic weekend - I am sure I'm not at my best!!!
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    Thanks for the input-still pretty witty at one AM.
    When I stated gold, I meant a mustard as you so stated. Dyeing the jacket might not be a bad idea, although tough for an Army guy to wear blue - just have to make sure it doesn't look too Air Force blue LOL. I was just thinking about a picture I saw in Scotty's book that showed the British Combat jacket worn with the kilt hence my original question plus since I'm an Army officer it would be a different look for less formal functions. The Ike jacket is of similiar cut and OD color to the British Combat jacket. If I dye it blue then I will most definetly have to post a pic for you to check me out. Slainte CR

  4. #4
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    Dye it black and replace the buttons with silver or chrome buttons. That would look sharp.

  5. #5
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    I'm not sure if you Ground Pounders had a similar uniform, but the Air Force has what is called a Mess Dress Uniform. White short (waist-length) jacket with epaulets, braid and gold buttons. Dark blue or black trousers with satin stripe on the outer seam. White shirt and black tie, and a cummerbund.

    If you can find one, it would look good with a kilt, either left white or dyed a color to co-ordinate with your kilt

  6. #6
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    I assume you are mentioning the British Battle Dress Blouse, for there was never a 'combat blouse': combat uniform coming in later, and with a jacket rather than a blouse.

    The blouse was and is very smart when worn with the kilt, and there is a famous picture from the Battle of Arnhem [1944] showing an officer wearing such a combination.

    Variants of the blouse appeared as mentioned in the form of the 'Ike Jacket' and it was also copied by the German Army.

    The drawback being that to look smart it must be a perfect fit, and pressed: too a belt is advised.

    The regimental tailor would adjust the issue blouses to fit the ordinary soldiers and officers would have theirs tailored.

    When the battle dress uniform was discontinued in favour of service dress for walking out, and combat kit for active service: many of the soldiers complained because they felt that battle dress was smarter and more military-when worn with studded boots/gaiters and belt.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Hudson
    I'm not sure if you Ground Pounders had a similar uniform, but the Air Force has what is called a Mess Dress Uniform. White short (waist-length) jacket with epaulets, braid and gold buttons. Dark blue or black trousers with satin stripe on the outer seam. White shirt and black tie, and a cummerbund.

    If you can find one, it would look good with a kilt, either left white or dyed a color to co-ordinate with your kilt
    It seems and service of the UK and US has some form of Mess Dress. There are a lot of red and blue in the UK. USAF also has a black tux version. I shopped on e-bay fo one for a while, to compliment the kilt. Unfortunately, most soldiers are young, and trim. I am not, and couldn't find one in my size.
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    I had a USAF blue Ike a while back (like 15 years ago) fit great then...not now. Looked really sharp too. would love to find one that fits me now...or at least comes close without being tight

  9. #9
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    Wow! This resurrects some posters who've been gone for while. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect Battle Dress Blouse; the ones I've found are either not the right size or in kind of rough shape.
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    I would order one right away, but I'm difficult to fit.

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