19th June 05, 06:01 PM
Dr. Who - Kilted?
And you folks thought you'd seen the last of me. ;)
I just HAD to share this. I've been downloading the recent Dr. Who season which is so brilliant, I'm considering sending a check to the BBC for television usage tax. And I live in the States!
A faint mumble has it that David Tennant, the Doctor for the next season has expressed his interest in playing the role in a kilt.
Oh Lorde, please let this happen!!
19th June 05, 06:55 PM
Oh wouldn't that just be brilliant? I love it.
I'm still bummed about Christopher Eccleston leaving the series so soon; he made a wonderful Doctor.
19th June 05, 07:48 PM
It is sad to see Eccelston to leave the show, but I don't mind if Tennant decided to be a Kilted doctor
19th June 05, 08:36 PM
A kilted lead, that is pretty awesome! Of course we lead kilted LOL
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
20th June 05, 02:48 AM
 Originally Posted by TheFly
And you folks thought you'd seen the last of me. ;)
I just HAD to share this. I've been downloading the recent Dr. Who season which is so brilliant, I'm considering sending a check to the BBC for television usage tax. And I live in the States!
A faint mumble has it that David Tennant, the Doctor for the next season has expressed his interest in playing the role in a kilt.
Oh Lorde, please let this happen!!
I haven't watched Dr. Who in a long time. But this may get me back.
20th June 05, 03:28 AM
Actually, Will, aside from the final part of the final episode the 2005 season of Doctor Who was pretty incredibly good. The writers have had the Doctor and his companion, Rose, facing a number of moral dilemmas with no easy way out. For example, in the season finale, the Doctor is forced to make a weapon that will kill all humans on earth in order to save the human race from an alien invasion (but at this point in time, humans have spread out so stopping the alien enemy at earth would in effect save the humans on the outlying colonies). The weapon would indescriminantly kill all life.
Or what to do when his companion, who lost her father as a small child in a hit & run accident, wants to go back in time and witness her father's death? And then when she intervenes to save him, what to do?
The show also has a high production value, apparently shot in something close to HDTV format (European specs) and often looks more like a movie than a television show (check out episode 9 first, The Empty Child, to see what I mean).
They brought back the Daleks which was cool for nostalgia purposes but I think some of the newer challenges the Doctor was facing were more compelling. Even with the new effects & capabilities, the Daleks are still pretty cheesy.
20th June 05, 03:45 AM
Dr.Who in a kilt!! that's just the "boost" the kilted community needs to have kilts become more accepted, great news! I hope it happens.
20th June 05, 05:56 AM
 Originally Posted by Magnus Sporrano
They brought back the Daleks which was cool for nostalgia purposes but I think some of the newer challenges the Doctor was facing were more compelling. Even with the new effects & capabilities, the Daleks are still pretty cheesy.
WHAT? The Daleks, cheesy?
Good lord... here they come!

20th June 05, 06:39 AM
 Originally Posted by TheFly
A faint mumble has it that David Tennant, the Doctor for the next season has expressed his interest in playing the role in a kilt.
That would be really cool. I enjoyed the Doctor a lot, although I haven't seen much for a few years. This makes me want to look into it again.
20th June 05, 06:54 AM
Well if he doesn't there always Miss Piper...ahem.
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