I breezed into Houston on Sunday ahead of a bunch of rain, getting out of CO before the snow hit. Changed into my kilt and Zardoz picked me up at the hotel. We went downtown, no clue exactly where and couldn't find it again if my life depended on it, met up with his wife and sat around for quite a while tilting a few over a long lunch. Had fun talking with the waitresses along with Mark and Shelley. Mark dropped me back off at the hotel while it was still relatively early so I stopped in the bar where I ran into 3 of the guys I work with. Caught no end of good natured ribbing while the finished their drinks and left...they knew they were out classedAs I was walking out a young man, 9 yrs old, asked which clan my tartan was. I stopped and talked with him and his father for a while. Turns out the youngster was born here in the states but his father, and his mother who showed up shortly after, were born and raised in Ireland. They enjoyed seeing someone in a kilt and liked if even better when they found out I was from CO and just wearing it because I felt like it. Then, walking to the elevator, the gal behind the desk was smiling and watching then entire time I walked by. All in all, a great afternoon and evening.
Thank you Mike and Shelly for a great start of the week.