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  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th December 05
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    Jumping in both feetedly

    Inspired by Alan H. and his hand-sewn Red Clan Ebay kilt and having a low-cost Pride of Scotland from a guy in Belfast (where it was made is anybody's guess) with an apron problem I finally got into the rebuild process.
    I have a 34 waist and whoever sewed this little beasty up made the outer apron 17 inches wide so it only wraps around properly on the left and left a 4 inch gap on the right between the fringe and the pleats.
    Not content to send it back again (previous two efforts to get the right size) even though the seller payed shipping, I looked and determined there is enough material to unstitch the right side of the apron and take a little out of the reverse pleat and it'll be all good right ??? sure ...
    Obviously machine sewed and lots of stitching to take out but it's finally undone. I took it to a seamstress I know and we pinned it back together again and ya know, this just might work.
    Just a word of caution about buying kilts on Ebay: One was a couple inches bigger than it was advertised as, three others were great, this one tooka lot of effort (Christmas til now) so hopefully you find a decent seller and a well made kilt.

    CT -

  2. #2
    Join Date
    5th January 06
    Manteca, California
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    Quote Originally Posted by CameronTaylor
    Inspired by Alan H. ... ya know, this just might work...
    Congrats! See, kilts really are easy - just time-consuming.
    "Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
    * * * * *
    Lady From Hell vs Neighbor From Hell @ [url]http://way2noisy.blogspot.com[/url]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    16th November 05
    santa clara CA
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    And the moral of the story....? Name of seller?


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