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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba
    Glucosamine with Chondroitin is great for battered knees. It's available in the vitamin section at any drug store, WalMart, etc. Taking it for about a year put my knees back in good shape.
    I'll second that! Five years ago, I thought my hiking and cycling careers were over. My doctor said there was not a whole lot of clinical evidence (controlled studies) that these items worked, but that an awful lot of anecdotal evidence (people telling him) indicates that they do, his own experience included. Bottom line: can't hurt, might help. It took a few months before the effects of the supplements took hold, but for the last five years my knees have been great.

    There is squatting with knees together (to the front or to the side), with knees spread wide (sporran or one hand on apron until down), down on one knee with the other knee pointed in a discrete direction, or down on both knees. Start slow and do the ones you can.
    "Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudd
    Hell, I'm just about 51 and my knees went out at 26! With a little help from the USMC.
    Yeah...never mind.
    Last edited by KiltedKnight; 29th June 06 at 01:09 PM.

  3. #23
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I'll have to start taking that stuff. As an ex-hurdler/pole-vaulter/high jumper and current soccer player, my knees are completely shot. hope it doesn't take long to take effect!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba
    Glucosamine with Chondroitin is great for battered knees. It's available in the vitamin section at any drug store, WalMart, etc. Taking it for about a year put my knees back in good shape.
    Okay.....I bought a bottle and started taking it already. Thank goodness you can get some stuff in an instant and not have to wait LIKE FOR YOUR FIRST KILT!!

    Sorry....that just came out....couldn't help myself...

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbpersson
    Okay.....I bought a bottle and started taking it already. Thank goodness you can get some stuff in an instant and not have to wait LIKE FOR YOUR FIRST KILT!!

    Sorry....that just came out....couldn't help myself...

    We've all been there! It'll all be worth the wait when you get it in.

  6. #26
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    I wasn't quite sure where to put this and I didn't want to start a new thread so I will add this to a thread I already started.

    This is regarding a move which I will call the "pleat control maneuver".

    This is executed by a man when he is wearing a kilt, a strong wind appears, and the back of his kilt goes flying up in the air. Wanting to maintain modesty and be considerate of others, he reaches back and controls his pleats so they are covering his posterior as the pleats were intended to do.

    Now, more than once someone on this forum has suggested that the "pleat control maneuver" is very feminine and that one should just let the pleats fly and not be concerned what you are showing to the world.

    I tend to disagree on this point. REGARDLESS of what I am wearing under my kilt, I would like to think that the world does not want to be looking at my butt and I think the "pleat control maneuver" is no more feminine than the "butt sweep maneuver" and that it is just another required exercise that goes along with kilt wearing.

    What do the rest of you think?

  7. #27
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I think anything associated with a kilt is not feminine in any way. Being a completely masculine garment, any actions or inactions related to said garmet are also masculine. That being said, do what you must to tame you kilt!

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    I have been taking glucosamine for quite some time, but I was getting severe pain in one knee, so bad that I saw the phyiotherapist, and although it was a bit better for a while, it returned.

    However, my knee was no longer swollen so obviously it did something.

    Whilst limping along one day I realised that I was putting my feet down to the ground differently. I think the pain was making everything more vivid. The foot on the painful side was taking more weight on the outside edge.

    I made a conscious effort to flatten and rotate my foot, and although for some days my foot ached, over the same time the pain in my knee faded and I think I can now say that it is gone.

    My feet now look mismatched if examined closely, there is a larger bulge just in front of the ankle bone on the corrected foot - maybe it will go down eventually, but I can put up with that far more easily than the constant ache and the sharp pain whenever I put weight onto it.

    So if you do have pain in the knees - or even the hips and lower back it might be worth a close consideration of just how your feet hit the ground - they really do hit it, and if you are not walking with your feet straight and flat you could be putting forces on your joints they cannot cope with.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbpersson
    I wasn't quite sure where to put this and I didn't want to start a new thread so I will add this to a thread I already started.

    This is regarding a move which I will call the "pleat control maneuver".

    This is executed by a man when he is wearing a kilt, a strong wind appears, and the back of his kilt goes flying up in the air. Wanting to maintain modesty and be considerate of others, he reaches back and controls his pleats so they are covering his posterior as the pleats were intended to do.

    Now, more than once someone on this forum has suggested that the "pleat control maneuver" is very feminine and that one should just let the pleats fly and not be concerned what you are showing to the world.

    I tend to disagree on this point. REGARDLESS of what I am wearing under my kilt, I would like to think that the world does not want to be looking at my butt and I think the "pleat control maneuver" is no more feminine than the "butt sweep maneuver" and that it is just another required exercise that goes along with kilt wearing.

    What do the rest of you think?
    Form follows function. There's a reason women do certain things with their skirts - because they work! If you don't want to show your a$$, do the same thing they do. I don't worry too much when the front apron blows, because all that shows is an upper thigh, but I don't plan on showing the world my white cheeks either.

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