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    A wedding in Scotland

    Hi guys, I'm back. Its been a couple months since I've posted anything. I've been crazy busy lately. But I am back again. And I could use a little help and advise here, if anyone wants to give any.

    After much debate and plan planning on our up coming wedding, the fiancee and I have decided to elope lol Everyone (friends and family on both sides) has congratulated us on this decision. So, I'm going to tell you all the plan we have so far, and if anyone has any experience here with this, and I know there are lots of you who do, I would love any suggestions as to whats wrong, whats right, what will work better, any better ideas on places, just anything really that might help my plan. This is our first time making any plans like this, so I have no idea whats realistic and doable and whats crazy and wont work, So here it goes...

    We are going to elope and spend our honeymoon in Scotland and Ireland. Neither of us has been to either Scotland or Ireland, and don't really know what to expect. The Wedding date is set for Feb 1, 2009 (the date is pretty firm) We want to get married in a Scottish castle. We are looking at Comlongon Castle as the place we'll be tying the knot. Any other better places anyone? We want to spend at least one night in a castle in both countries, and spend the rest of the time staying at bed and breakfasts and kinda check out the countries a little bit. We're going pretty much in the dead of winter, late Jan thru mid Feb most likely. I'd like to stay thru Valentines day if possible. I want to stay some of the trip in Perthshire since thats where my roots come from, in Ireland, we're not really sure where to go.

    Heres the travel plan I have. We fly from here in hawaii late Jan, to Scotland. I'm open to suggestion as to where in Scotland we should fly to. Then rent a car, or maybe a train, maybe both, and head to Comlongon Castle for the wedding. Then going to Perthshire seeing the sites, then possibly somewhere else in Scotland. Again, any ideas as to how to travel, and where to go will be a big help. Then mid way thru the trip, we leave for Ireland. Here, we're a bit stuck. She really wants to go, but doesn't really have any idea as to where. She said something about maybe Shannon. But we want to check out the country as best we can on our limited time. Then we plan to fly back here to hawaii from Ireland. Thats the plan so far. Ok, I know theres a lot of Xmarkers that live in and around these places, as well as a lot of you that have traveled there in the past. Any suggestions as far as castles, places to see, Perthshire, B&Bs, transport, etc. Thanks a bunch guys


  2. #2
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    You might see a lot more if you hire a car as trains and buses are few and far between outwith the main centres of population. There are quite a few castles which have been converted into hotels - I've posted threads on two of them earlier this year - Otterburn Tower and also Sunlaws near Kelso which is still owned by the Duke of Roxburghe. Plenty of cheap flights between Scotland and Ireland if you book well in advance. Hopefully you will also have time to spend a few days in southern Scotland which is rich in castles and fortified farms, a legacy of the Border feuds. Ferintosh at Dumfries would be a good centre for visiting Burns Country, the Solway coast, numerous castles, sampling fine foods and whiskies and meeting some Scottish x-markers.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Cessna
    I believe that Comlongon is south and kinda in that general area, http://www.celticcastles.com/castles.../location.html I was figuring that getting a car was the best way to go. Meeting some xmarksers would definately really cool. And the part about sampling fine foods and whiskies, well, thats the best idea I've heard yet :-D

  4. #4
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    I had not heard of Comlongon Castle before but you are right in XMarks country. I can't address the rest of your travel plans BUT strongly recommend that since you are so near Dumfries that you book in for a couple (at least) nights at Ferintosh. Good grief, you're right there. I'd recommend that you make that your base just after your wedding for at least a couple of days and lay yourselves at the mercy of P1M & Emma, David Dalglish (and lovely wife Helen) and cessna251towser (Alex)& Ann.

    No one is going to bother you if you want honeymoon privacy but I can speak from experience that you wil find no better friends and tourguides to Southern Scotland and Northern England than these fine folks.

    Good for you and CONGRATULATIONS!!


    Ferret ad astra virtus

  5. #5
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    Congratulations to you both.I am delighted that you are coming to Scotland and Ireland for your very important event.Just something that you may need to consider to avoid disppointment, is that many castles and other attractions may be closed at the time of year you are thinking about.Also, the weather can,cause havoc to travel plans in Febuary.It must be said though that we have not had an old fashioned winter for quite a while now,but.............!It would be wise to research the sights that you wish to see.On the plus side,there will be no midges about.All the very best to you both.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 2nd September 07 at 05:12 PM. Reason: cant spell

  6. #6
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    starbkjrus, That sounds like a great idea! We would absolutely love to stay at Ferintosh, for a couple nights. It would be great meeting some Xmarkers, and having some friends and a tour guides, and possibly meet up for drinks at the pub a night or two. Not to mention the pictures of Ferintosh look great. We will have to make that a part of our trip for sure.

    Jock Scot, Thank you I have talked to a wedding planner, he was the one who suggested Comlongon, I asked about Feb being off season and winter, but he said it wouldnt be a problem, and that theyre open year round. As of now, that castle is just an idea, we are open to any other ideas any of you might have. The only ideas Im really set on is seeing Perthshire and some of the Highlands.

    Also, we were wondering how we should pack for Feb in Scotland. We live in hawaii, so.... Im guessing I better pack warm clothes. And a kilt or two :-D

  7. #7
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    It sounds as though you have your castle.Great!Perthshire is a beautiful county with many grand sights to see,but if you get the chance see the castle at Blair Atholl,then you really ought to.Perhaps one of the best to look around in the UK.The weather will almost certainly be cold and probably wet as well----be prepared!Dont forget that we are nearer Norway than London.

  8. #8
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    IF it's just the two of you getting married without a wedding party you might find one of the castles on the expensive side. For example Eilean Donan is about $1,500 see: http://www.eileandonancastle.com/cas...e/weddings.htm

    You might want to PM pour1malt (Ferentosh) yto see what advice he can give.


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  9. #9
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    Of course, now don't forget, Gretna Green was designed especially for people eloping in or near Scotland.

  10. #10
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    You may also want to take a look at my vacation thread for some ideas.


    Ferret ad astra virtus

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