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  1. #21
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    A 10oz tartan is normally referred to here (England) as a 'dance' tartan - and although it can look rather dashing swirling around the thighs of a strapping young fellow doing the Highland Fling on the stage in anything of a wind it is up around your ears and rather making a nuisance of itself.

    I have sewn tape around the lower edges of some of my older, lighter kilts in an effort to make them behave more my age, but these days I would go for perhaps a shorter length of heavier material rather than any length of a light one.

    The heavier wools in particular tend to swing, and in hot weather they can feel cooler than a lighter fabric which just hangs.

    I's always say, if possible use the heavier cloth, but perhaps not so much of it if heat is a problem.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    The Bayou City - Houston, TX
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    Quote Originally Posted by scoutniagara View Post
    This is true, but what about 13 oz wool? My clan tartan is of this weight and it offers all of the positives of the heavier weight 16 oz but is better suited for warmer weather. I'm not outside in the colder temperatures while wearing my kilt, and inside, the 13 oz is lighter in weight and not as warm. If you don't have the 13 oz option, go with the 16 oz.
    To be quite frank, I have a 7th kilt - A GREAT KILT, which starts out each time I wear it as a large piece of 13 oz. tartan fabric that has to get hand-pleated and belted. Because of the many folds that get draped over my shoulder, I'm quite happy with the 13 oz. Honestly, when I originally ordered this tartan fabric, it was for 16 oz, but the Internet vendor sent me 13 oz. He said to trust him on the weight. I said "you better knock the price down then", the wanker. He did knock the price down and he was right on the weight. But, that was the last time I ordered from him.

  3. #23
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    I've got to say 16 oz too. Comparing my different weights, the heavier are better, even with the warm weather we get in NY in the summer.
    Andy in Ithaca, NY
    Exile from Northumberland

  4. #24
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    I've got kilts in 11 oz., 13 oz., and 16 oz. I would have to say that, if I have a choice, that I will always go for the heavier weight. I just like the feel of the cloth better, and I haven't noticed a significant difference in the heat.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    I agree that the 16 oz is what you should get. In Illinois it can get pretty hot and humid in the summer at those Highland games, but looking correct is more important than comfort. With the heavy wool, it hangs properly, the pleats stay pleated, etc.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    the 16 oz. the pleats will stay crisper and the swing will be better. A 5 yard kilt will be cooler than an 8 yard kilt, but the 8 yards look fantastic

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