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  1. #1
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    Help with Custom kilt pins...

    I am currently in the process of buying a few hundred custom kilt pins for a local kilted club I am a member of and I need to do this right. We have settled on what the kilt pin is going to be, but the problem is the length of the kilt pin. I have been on countless websites and have found that they range from 2.75 inches to 4 inches. The thing is, it has to be a unisex length since there are women in the club and to make two different sizes would cost too much. I was thinking somewhere near 3" was good, but I ask:


    Thank you

  2. #2
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I just went and measured about ten of my pins, and the shortest is 2 3/4 and the longest is 4 1/4.

    By far the most common length for the sword types is 3 1/4.

    I would also recommend making sure that the pins are heavy enough to do the job intended. Light kilt pins are just a piece of jewellry.

    I don't have any way to weigh the pins, but I like the heavy pewter ones the best.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoopid Irisher View Post
    I am currently in the process of buying a few hundred custom kilt pins for a local kilted club I am a member of and I need to do this right.... it has to be a unisex length since there are women in the club and to make two different sizes would cost too much. I was thinking somewhere near 3" was good, but I ask:
    S I,

    I am rather confused as to why you are here asking the membership of X Marks the Scot their opinions for a pin that is for a another Kilt Club.

    One would think that you would discuss this with the membership of your kilt club as they are the ones who will be presumably wearing this pin.

    I'm just finding it odd that a new member keeps asking pretty much the same questions regarding pins for some other Kilt organization. It seems a bit rude to join our kilt forum for the sole purpose of aiding another kilt organization.

    Perhaps I fail to understand you, but as one of the staff here I am finding your threads curious.


    Last edited by Panache; 8th April 08 at 11:01 AM.
    -See it there, a white plume
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  4. #4
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    Three inches sounds good. But that's just me.

  5. #5
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    Jamie poses a good question. Is your kilt club unsure of what they want? I have to agree, they would be far more suited to answer this, since they'll be wearing them.
    Last edited by Tattoo Bradley; 8th April 08 at 07:30 PM.

  6. #6
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    Ok, I understand that you guys think that we are a kilt group specifically and that we should know all this stuff. The truth is, we're a running group that predominantly wears kilts or kilted shirts after we run. The group is more focused on the running, and the kilts are more for comfort.

    The reason I am here is because one of the leading members asked me what I thought of the idea and I am merely trying to make it as authentic as I can.

    Plus, my group really can't decided for themselves, over 200 that I see once a week, but if I come in with "I posted this question on the leading kilt group and they said..." it would be met with much less resistance.

    S I

  7. #7
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    I thought there was enough goodness in this group to spread around Jamie ...

    3 inches is a good average, weightiness is another consideration.

    There used to be a group that had shirt that claimed they were a drinking group with a running problem and another whose shirt read "Air Trash" and "a drinking group with a skydiving problem"

    CT - obviously our reputation exceeds us

  8. #8
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    S I,

    I am rather confused as to why you are here asking the membership of X Marks the Scot their opinions for a pin that is for a another Kilt Club.

    One would think that you would discuss this with the membership of your kilt club as they are the ones who will be presumably wearing this pin.

    I'm just finding it odd that a new member keeps asking pretty much the same questions regarding pins for some other Kilt organization. It seems a bit rude to join our kilt forum for the sole purpose of aiding another kilt organization.

    Perhaps I fail to understand you, but as one of the staff here I am finding your threads curious.


    I must say that I am surprized at your negative response to a simple, direct question. Surely we have enough friendliness to help out another kilt group?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoopid Irisher View Post
    Ok, I understand that you guys think that we are a kilt group specifically and that we should know all this stuff. The truth is, we're a running group that predominantly wears kilts or kilted shirts after we run. The group is more focused on the running, and the kilts are more for comfort.

    The reason I am here is because one of the leading members asked me what I thought of the idea and I am merely trying to make it as authentic as I can.

    Plus, my group really can't decided for themselves, over 200 that I see once a week, but if I come in with "I posted this question on the leading kilt group and they said..." it would be met with much less resistance.

    S I

    S I,

    Your running group sounds interesting, does it have a website? I also advise you to properly introduce yourself to the forum in our "Kilt Board Newbie" section. I imagine you will find other runners here and we would be interested to here of your kilted experiences.


    -See it there, a white plume
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    I must say that I am surprized at your negative response to a simple, direct question. Surely we have enough friendliness to help out another kilt group?

    I also sure that you would also be surprised by the number unpleasant posts and posters that find there way to XMTS. The Moderators deal with a fair number of them each week and most of the forum members never even know of these incidents.

    New poster, no information given about them, same questions, references to other kilt groups, one begins to wonder.

    I would rather fail in being over vigilient, than fail in not doing enough. This may be just a kilt forum and I may only be a volunteer, but when I take on a responsibility I take it seriously.

    Hopefully S.I. will take some time to introduce himself and join the fun here.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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