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  1. #1
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    Preservation of kilts?

    What is the best way to store a kilt? Also, are there certain things we should do to keep the kilt looking nice for years to come? We will be getting our first kilts soon so this is all new to us. Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
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    I highly recommend kilt hangars. Stillwater Kilts sells them for a reasonable price. Other than that, they're just like any other garment.

    If your kilt is wool, I'd get some cedar to keep the moths away.
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  3. #3
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    I use hangers from IKEA, here is a photo

    If I were storing a kilt for a while I'd put it in a garment bag and use ceder to keep the moths away, my first kilt was sewn up in 1950 so I've got a little experience in these things.

  4. #4
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    I'm partial to the Order of the Gael hangers. The fabric "S's" around without being smushed against itself.

    But maybe you had another method of storage in mind. Think a search will show a few ways to roll the kilt.

    My understanding is that moths don't bother stuff kept in the light. I've wondered what it would be like to hang a wool tartan kilt from wooden blanket hangers like what are used to hang wool Navajo blankets on the wall. Think it'd look really sharp for historic and too small kilts. Hanging on the wall as art.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
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  5. #5
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I use regular hangers augmented by 3 inch black binder clips as sold in office supply stores. The wool ones get places in plastic suit bags with cedar chips and the man made fibers just hang in the closet. If I notice that I haven't worn a kilt for a few months, I hang them on the door frame for a day, just to air out.

    I also make sure that I hand the kilt I just took off on the door frame at least over night to ensure it is aired out before I stash it in the closet. Oh, and my closet is self cedar lines.

    I use the small steamer to freshen the pleats if needed before I put it on...

    That's about it!

  6. #6
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    I tried several types of hangars before finding this thread

    Ultimate simplicity and functionality from materials most likely on hand!

  7. #7
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    I use skirt hangers made of cedar and hang my kilts inside of hanging, zippered garment bags that hold as many as five kilts. Also, after each outdoor event, I brush the kilt to get any insects that may have gotten into the fabric.

  8. #8
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wife2aScot View Post
    What is the best way to store a kilt?
    Wrapped around your hips, of course!

    In all seriousness, the main thing to remember is that you should store the kilt hanging, not folded up and in a drawer. That's key. The method of hanging is secondary.

    I close my kilt (as if it were being worn, aprons overlapping), and then fold the whole thing in half again, vertically, with the pleats on the outside. Then I clamp it into one of those plastic skirt hangers they sell by the bundle in the house wares dept of your favorite store.

    (I might go take a pic later on to show the kilts hanging in the closet. Wife and baby are sleeping in the bedroom right now and don't want to disturb them!)

    If you are worried about moths, I always tell people that cedar and moth balls both work, but I'd rather smell like cedar, personally!

    The thing about cedar hangers and cedar lined closets and the like is that in order for cedar to remain effective (and moth balls, too, for that matter), you need to change it out at least once a year. If you use a cedar hanger or something you tend to think you are safe from moths long after its effectiveness has worn out.

    Also, from personal experience, I find the folks who have problems with moth holes in their kilts tend to be those who wear the kilt rather infrequently. You'll pull it out of the closet after not having worn it for nine months, and discover a nasty surprise! I wear my kilts very regularly (I try to give all of them equal play time), and I've never had a problem with moths.

    So my advice would be that if you don't think you'll be wearing the kilt for a while, hang it up as mentioned, but keep it in some kind of garment bag for additional protection, and make sure to keep your cedar fresh.


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    What about the suggestions I saw somewhere, to wrap it with pleats inside and then hang it or even put it into hose (pantyhose)???

    Does it make any sense? Any experiences?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mipi View Post
    What about the suggestions I saw somewhere, to wrap it with pleats inside and then hang it or even put it into hose (pantyhose)???

    Does it make any sense? Any experiences?
    That works great for traveling, but not for storage.
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