21st September 08, 09:26 AM
 Originally Posted by Birddog
Careful, Jock. We all know that Dave loves plot twists! Just look at poor Greg!
Wait a minute!! That wasn't me, that was in the alternate reality that Dave is visiting. And the Dave from over there has been dead over a year now.
I'm very much alive and kicking here in this reality.
21st September 08, 09:47 AM
You mean, to quote one of the greatest movies of all time, "I'm not dead yet"? Maybe you'll have to cross over and lend a hand over there!
21st September 08, 10:00 AM
 Originally Posted by Livingston
Wait a minute!! That wasn't me, that was in the alternate reality that Dave is visiting. And the Dave from over there has been dead over a year now.
I'm very much alive and kicking here in this reality. 
That's right -- Don't throw him on the cart yet! There is at least one more act to go.
(Have we seen the flying cow yet? )
Ferret ad astra virtus
21st September 08, 12:18 PM
Scene 44
Franklin, North Carolina
We pulled into the small town of Franklin late in the afternoon. We had all changed back into the current fashion so that we could blend into the populace. Michael stopped the van in a parking lot behind a row of shops.
“Wait here,” Mike said as he climbed out of the van.
He quickly went around to the front of the buildings and disappeared from sight. After several minutes, a door opened in the back of one of the buildings and Mike waived us over. Michael and I carried Greg’s body as the ladies helped David into the building.
Meanwhile, two men dressed in overalls ran out to the van and climbed in. The van was started and soon pulled out of the lot.
“Where are they going?” I asked.
“The van is now identifiable,” Mike answered. “They’re taking it away from town to dispose of it.”
We all went through the door and up some stairs. We came out into a store where many books and other items with a Scottish theme were displayed.
“This way,” Mike said and guided us to some stairs leading to the basement.
When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we found ourselves in a small museum on Highland dress. There to greet us was a tall, bearded man wearing a box-pleated kilt. I knew him well from my world. His name was Matt Newsome.
“Follow me,” Matt told us. He led us to the side of the museum to a display on early highland dress. He pulled the display to the side and pressed on the wall. A panel in the wall turned away from him, revealing a room beyond.
“In here,” Matt said to us.
We filed into the room and found it was set up as an emergency shelter. “I’ll be back this evening,” Matt said to us and then left, closing the door behind him.
The ladies helped David to a cot and he reclined gratefully. Michael and I gently placed Greg’s body on the floor.
“What is this place?” I asked Mike.
“A safe house,” he answered. “Matt is a long-time friend of the people at X Marks and supports our cause.”
“And the law lets him wear a kilt? I thought that was the symbol of a terrorist group.”
“He can only wear it as part of his job as the curator of the museum. The law leaves him alone as long as he only wears it here or while commuting to and from work.”
“And nobody from town has any suspicions?”
“The whole town is in on it. There are a lot of independently minded people in this region. They don’t like the fashion laws any more than we do. Oh, they wear the fashions so they can go about their lives, but they have no love for the ones pushing those laws. Even the local police turn a blind eye most of the time.”
“A whole town of sympathizers, and the government doesn’t suspect.”
“They may suspect, but they haven’t been able to trace anything here. That’s why they took the van. Those two guys will drive it to the next county and wreck it off a hill out of sight. They’ll catch a ride from the car that will follow them and come back. Hopefully, by the time the van is discovered, we will be long gone.”
“How long do we stay here? We’ve got to get home.”
“I suspect that Matt will arrange a ride for us in the morning. Until then, we sit tight.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
21st September 08, 01:01 PM
I finally got this read. Two thumbs up, keep it coming.
BTW, is this how M.I.B ( Men In Blackwatch )got it's start?
21st September 08, 03:31 PM
Yes, but when does the star of the picture show up? I came here see that Man in the Pith Helmet!

Ok, ok, I'll sit down.
22nd September 08, 05:04 AM
Scene 45
Franklin, North Carolina
Matt returned with a small group of people early in the evening.
He turned to one of the men with him. “He’s over there,” he said, pointing to David.
The new man, obviously a doctor, quickly went to David’s cot and began examining him.
Matt turned to another man with him. “There’s the one you want,” he said, pointing to Greg’s body.
This other man quickly passed us. I noticed a priest’s collar poking out of his shirt.
“The Father will take care of him,” Matt said to Mike. “I brought the doctor to take care of the other one.”
The doctor looked up from his examination. “What happened to him?” he asked.
“The FBI,” Mike answered.
“Oh,” said the doctor with a worried expression. He immediately turned back to his examination.
“You’ll have to stay here overnight, out of sight,” Matt continued. “There is plenty of food and water in the cupboards and blankets so you can all get some rest.”
“What about transport?” Mike asked.
“Someone will be here at first light. They’ll get you back to South Carolina.”
The priest came over to us. I noticed that a few men had picked up Greg and were carrying him out of the shelter.
“We’ll take care of him,” said the priest. “He will get a proper burial, although it will be a small, quiet service. Does he have any family?”
“He had a daughter,” said Julie. “I know how to get in touch with her.”
I noticed that tears were again running down her cheeks.
“Very well,” said the priest, nodding. “Good luck to you all.” He turned and followed the other men from the room.
The doctor left David lying on the cot and came over to us.
“I’ve done all I can,” he told us. “They’ve used a lot of drugs on him and without knowing what they are, I can’t risk giving him anything else. He needs as much rest as he can get to let them work out of his system.”
“Okay,” said Matt to all of us. “Eat something and then get what rest you can. I’ll see you in the morning.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
22nd September 08, 08:52 AM
Give David a Guinness, that will flush out his system!
22nd September 08, 03:10 PM
Or a muckle dram of Talisker!
23rd September 08, 05:27 AM
Scene 46
Franklin, North Carolina
Matt woke us early the next morning. He went around giving us each a set of clothes.
“What are these?” I asked.
“New clothes,” said Mike. “We need to change our appearance.”
“You’re in luck,” said Matt. “This season’s fashions just came into the stores.”
I examined the clothes that he had brought for me. The set included a loose tunic with billowy sleeves, loose-fitting trousers, and a colorful vest.
“It looks more like a costume,” I said.
“This year’s fashion for the working class is gypsy-chic,” said Matt.
I looked around. The men all had outfits similar to mine, with some variation in color. The women all had colorful peasant blouses with embroidered vests and skirts.
After we had all changed clothes, Matt led us outside. There in the parking lot was a large truck holding a load of hay bales.
“There’s your ride,” Matt said, pointing to the truck.
“But how are we all going to fit in that?” Mike asked. “The only place to sit is the cab, and we can’t fit any more than three people in there, four max. There are eight of us.”
A woman walked from the other side of the truck. “That’s what everbody’s s’posed to think. I guarantee ya’ll everbody’s gonna fit in just fine.”
“This is your driver,” said Matt. “Let me introduce Susie.”
Susie walked up and extended her hand. “I’m right pleased to meet ya’ll,” she said as she shook our hands.
Of course, my associates and I had already met Susie, just not on this world. On our world she works with us as Ms. Falcon. Her accent was a bit thicker in this world though.
“C’mon, let me show ya’ll where you’re ridin’,” she said and led us to the truck.
She went to the passenger side and opened the door.
“One a ya’ll can ride up front with me.” She then tilted the seat back forward, revealing a panel. She reached over and slid the panel to the side. The opening created was more than large enough for a person to slip through, even a large man. “The rest a ya’ll will be ridin’ back there.”
I leaned in and looked through the opening. Inside was a chamber where a good number of people could fit. The hay on the outside was camouflage for the chamber.
“How did you ever come up with this?” I asked.
“Let’s just say I know a bit about hidin’ things when I’m drivin’” she answered.
Matt laughed. “Susie’s family has hauled more than a little moonshine in their time. Now she uses that expertise to help us move people.”
“I don’t reckon it’s right for folks to be goin’ to jail just ‘cause of the clothes they wear,” said Susie.
“Julie,” said Mike, “Why don’t you ride up front? They’re less likely to be looking for a couple of farm girls moving hay.”
Mike climbed into the back and then helped me get David inside. The rest of us climbed in afterwards.
“Good luck and safe journey,” said Matt, as he closed the door behind Julie.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
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