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  1. #31
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    I bought my first kilt in August, 2007, and now have eight on hand and two on order. Kilts are not a bit narcotic, not a bit. I don't recall precisely when I largely abandoned pants, but in the past year I have not worn them more than six times, and never for a whole day. Retirement is glorious!

    "No man is genuinely happy, married, who has to drink worse whiskey than he used to drink when he was single." ---- H. L. Mencken

  2. #32
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    I primarily wear a kilt to gigs, outings and social events. Haven't worn one to work yet but the time is coming... As far as at home goes, I'm in a Sport Kilt every day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alaskan Kilted Guy View Post
    ...I find it interesting though, that many seem to put on a kilt when they get home, but I tend to put on sweats or some gym shorts. I feel more comfortable like that at home. To each their own.
    The SKs are VERY lightweight so they're like a pair of sweats, only better!

  3. #33
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    I wear a kilt 365 days a year and have done so for over 3 years. One exception - when I ride my motorcycle I wear full protective riding gear. I wear traditional wools, traditional style acrylics and polyvicose, and non-traditionals with pockets.

    While I have Scottish ancestry, I wear a kilt for comfort. Accessories or lack there of, varies quite a bit. Depends on the occasion, the weather, and my mood. For instance, this time of the year I usually don't wear a sporran most days because I can carry everything I need in the pockets of my winter jacket.

    I can wear a kilt everyday because I no longer work. If I still worked it would not be possible.


  4. #34
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    I change to a kilt as soon as I get home from work. I haven't seen anyone wearing one where I work now, but at one of the sites in Los Angeles, I've been told there are a few that wear kilts on Fridays (mostly UK's). I spent most of Loscon, a LA-area science fiction convention over Thanksgiving weekend, in my kilt and there were several other guys in kilts, as well.

    So now, I need to buckle down and get going on that X-kilt I promised myself...

  5. #35
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    Because I work for myself the Kit is very much part of my daily attire.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ancienne Alliance View Post
    I do relish wearing my kilts but I don't think I will be wearing them when I visit Scotland (at least not on a regular basis).
    Perhaps some of our Scot XMTS members can understand why...


    Sorry, Robert, I do not. If you wear Highland dress as we wear it you will be well accepted. I've seen your pics and would be happy in your company anytime, anywhere.

  7. #37
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    I wear a Utilikilt all day, every day. My employer's dress code is not gender specific and my UKs meet the requirements set forth for skirts! I really can't imagine ever wearing pants again -- maybe if I buy a motorcycle eventually.

    My only regret is that I did not discover kilted life while I was still single -- I could have gotten a lot more mileage out of them!

    I do plan on buying a traditional kilt in one of my family tartans (Bruce clan) when family finances allow. Until then, it's UK all the way!

  8. #38
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    I usually wear a kilt about 4-5 days a week. I work from home 65% of the time so it works out well for me. The times I do have to go out to call on customers or do field repairs on generators I do have to wear the company uniform. Weekends are usually kilted all the time. I too would find going back to an office job and not having the freedom and comfort of wearing a kilt a very hard change to make. I also just noticed I own more kilts than jeans now.

  9. #39
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    I shouldn’t say that I wear kilts as daily garb, because I don’t wear kilts to job or for social functions. But I do wear a kilt practically every day. 350 out of 365 wouldn’t be totally wrong, meaning that every month there could be one, seldom two days where I shouldn’t wear a kilt at all.
    I’ll wear them for walking, some shopping and when at home. To me the kilt is preferred casual wear.



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