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Thread: women in kilts

  1. #1
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    Question women in kilts

    Is it offensive for women to wear a mans kilt? I've never worn one and I do like what they have for women but the mens kilts are really cool. I mean you have all that great stuff to go with it and the women don't. Please understand I mean no disrespect I ask so I never offend the scottish custom.I really love kilts and hope to get my husband in one soon.

  2. #2
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    I have seen women in shortened Utilikilts -- it is super hot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    As I'm sure others in this forum will advise you, there have been kilts made that have been cut for women - mainly for band uniform purposes. Most women's hips tend to flare more than men's, so a regular-cut kilt won't look quite right. I can't describe exactly what happens or why - one of you kiltmakers, maybe? - but it just doesn't look quite right.

    Kilted skirts are more appropriate as women's wear, and I don't believe you'd wear a sporran with it. A kilt pin, OK, but not a sporran.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elise View Post
    Is it offensive for women to wear a mans kilt? I've never worn one and I do like what they have for women but the mens kilts are really cool. I mean you have all that great stuff to go with it and the women don't. Please understand I mean no disrespect I ask so I never offend the scottish custom.I really love kilts and hope to get my husband in one soon.

    That's fine with me.

    Hope you enjoy, and welcome to the forum.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  5. #5
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    Indeed, you'll get a mixed response on this forum. It came up a few weeks ago and someone (new fellow) was very much dead-set against it, and made absolutely no qualms about it.

    For myself, I tend to agree that as far as women's wear goes, the cut might be a bit different to accommodate a curvier hip... I do prefer seeing a kilted skirt. For the ladies I also like the styles that pleat all the way around. Like this:

  6. #6
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    Old Fuddy-Duddy Here

    Since this site is called X MARKS THE SCOT, I presume you are asking about the traditional, highland kilt. If that's the case: Kilts are for gentlemen, skirts and dresses are for ladies. The exception would be ladies in pipe bands, but then the kilt becomes an item of uniform and is the same for all, regardless of gender.

    In my opinion there is nothing less flattering to a woman than the wearing of a man's kilt.

  7. #7
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    Ask Cynthia

  8. #8
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    Not a fan, personally. A traditional kilt is a man's garment, so I think it should be kept that way. That's not to say women should never wear them (pipe bands, highland dancers, etc), but that's my blanket-statement answer.

  9. #9
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    I used to be sort of "against" it. At this point I don't really care. My friends in the Highland Games, Heavy Athletics wear them all the time. Sure, most of those are more like tartan skirts, but my friend Robbin wears a Stillwater Kilts saffron and it looks great, IMHO.

    Not all women are built to wear little flirty sexy miniskirts. In fact, mighty FEW women older than about 14 are built like that. Are tartan skirts really nice? *I* think so ,but then I'm married to wonderful woman who thinks that tartan skirts are dowdy, frumpy, outdated and make everyone look obese. She wouldn't be caught dead in a tartan skirt, including the one I bought her.

    so what's the answer?

    I figure, wear what you like, be understanding and knowledgeable about its history, be civil and polite to those around you, and carry on. Understand that there will be those who disagree with you. That's fine, eh? Now, I ask you, aren't there people who think that a MAN wearing a kilt is sort of out-of-place and wierd and silly? Sure there are. Well, I DISAGREE with those people. It don't spoil my day, none. I just understand that folks have different opinions from mine and they're entitled to have it. In fact, they're even entitled to express that opinion, once or twice in a reasonably civil manner.

    But if someone has the gall to get in your face, or grossly disrespect you for the egregious sin of wearing an actual kilt, just shove your purse up his/her nose, and keep walking.
    Last edited by Alan H; 2nd December 08 at 12:43 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Women in kilts? Next thing you know, they'll be wearing trousers! Augh!

    Oh, wait.

    For what it is worth, if you want a kilt, I suggest wearing one that is cut to a woman's figure and with feminine accessories. I saw a woman at a highland games this past summer and wish I had taken a picture. Oh, man. She was dressed in what looked like a pipe-band uniform designed for a music video. Red jacket with gold trim, horsehair sporran, Royal Stewart kilt, hose, everything. She really looked wrong. I mean really wrong. It was a man's outfit and she looked like she was cross-dressing without actually having the garments cut for her. Like, my eyes, man.

    Go ahead. But I think a longer skirt, kilted or not, tends to look more feminine than a kilt does. Maybe see if you could have a kilt made to reach your calf? That would be a really lovely look on a lady. Or maybe it is just me.

    Remember that it is just a garment. Not a magical talisman or "boys only" sign, any more than jeans are only for men (or only for women). BUT a man's jeans seldom fit a woman well and always seem to look improperly cut on her. A man's kilt similarly won't fit most women well. So, whatever you wear, make a point of dressing well. After all, with a garment as spendy as a kilt, you want to make sure you will enjoy wearing it, right?


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