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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedBrewer View Post
    Get the SWK kilts and then enjoy the day. When people start getting stressed out about the wedding, just remember that it's about you and your bride joining your lives together. Nothing else really matters.

    Congratulations from a 0.5 year vet.
    Yup! What he said.


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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan R Porter View Post
    "... so what is so bad about SWK's as wedding kilts?"
    Great idea and nothing wrong with it at all. I don't know SWKs myself, and so it might be worth shopping around for prices elsewhere.

    I officiate at lots of weddings and the only other thing I would suggest is that you actually send the guys a couple of diagrams to show how to wear everything and perhaps a pair of socks to go with the kilts. Unfortunately, I see a lot of great 'themes' fall apart when the guests don't know quite what is expected.

    This happened with a friend's wedding and sadly I was the culprit. She only had six of us present and sent an invitation saying 'black tie' so I went kilted and with PC and black tie. It turned out the effect she really wanted was a kind of Orient Express / Casablanca / Monte Carlo casino look with dinner suits but not 'black tie'. I felt fine, but my other half was most embarrassed.

    Cheers, Graham.

  3. #13
    I'm a woman. And I can tell you now that if you go with the SWK while they are great for casual wear, for a wedding... she's going to kill you. If it doesn't look perfect for her big day it's not going to go well. It's one of those things that isn't going to be forgotten and will be brought up every time the wedding photo's are seen. And whether she will admit it or not.. this is her day that she has dreamed and fantasized about it for years.

    It's not going to look at that great and I'm not understanding why rental would be so much more expensive than buying all the components.


    Make the groomsmen pay for their rentals if it's that expensive. If they are friends enough and close enough to be your groomsmen... than they should be friends enough to be able to spend the money to rent a kilt for your wedding.

    Oh and here is another site:


    They sell great kilt hose that's not expensive. I'm buying kilt hose from the store myself because I wear nothing but dresses and I need something in the winter to keep my legs warm.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by duchessofnc View Post
    If it doesn't look perfect for her big day it's not going to go well.
    The thing is: what is the chance that she knows what "perfect" is in regards to highland attire? Or anyone else at the wedding for that matter? I absolutely agree that renting, and better yet having the guys all pay their own rentals, would be the best option. However, everyone's circumstances are different ...

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by duchessofnc View Post
    I'm a woman. And I can tell you now that if you go with the SWK while they are great for casual wear, for a wedding... she's going to kill you. If it doesn't look perfect for her big day it's not going to go well. It's one of those things that isn't going to be forgotten and will be brought up every time the wedding photo's are seen. And whether she will admit it or not.. this is her day that she has dreamed and fantasized about it for years.
    I guess I was just very fortunate, and maybe it didn't hurt that we got married in our late 20s and paid for it all ourselves, but when I got married, I was in a nice gray suit with a red tie. She wore a very pretty off-white cocktail dress. She said that we could get married in t-shirts and jeans. She wasn't worried about "perfect"; she was worried about "married."

    No wedding has ever been perfect. No wedding will ever be perfect. Anyone who says their wedding was perfect is either not being honest or was oblivious to all the chaos going on around them -- probably had friends putting out fires left and right without them even knowing it.

    Get the kilts. Make the wedding uniquely yours and hers.
    Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!

  6. #16
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    I am also a woman, and this woman must respectfully disagree with the duchessofnc. You could definitely pull off a beautiful wedding with kilts from Stillwater (I've never actually seen a Thrifty model, but the Standard would work without a doubt).

    You can check out photos of Black Watch, Black Stewart, and Buchanan kilts worn at weddings if you go to the customer photo section at the frugalcorner.com (FC kilts are along the same lines as SWK, but Jerry doesn't have any wedding photos up on the SWK site). I think the Black Watch and Black Stewart both create a particularly striking look (and, if I were a Buchanan, I'd probably think the same of that look...but, alas, bright yellow just doesn't do it for me!).

    Show your lady these photos, get her opinion on tartans, have fun, and all shall be well!

  7. #17
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    A kilt is a kilt is a kilt.

    An SWK is a good kilt and fine for a wedding. In fact, I've even been privy to the fact that a bridal party wore USA Casuals, and they were so sharp, NO ONE knew they cost only a hundred bucks, but everyone loved them.

    Relax, and enjoy your day. If your bride is upset and offended because it isn't "perfect" (whatever that is) then RUN NOW.

    There's no such thing as perfect in a wedding. There is only beauty.

  8. #18
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    This thread and photos by X Marker Yaish may be of interest to you


    He outfitted his groomsmen with Leatherneck tartan kilts and kit from Stillwater and everything turned out splendidly


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  9. #19
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    You can also see a number of kilted weddings in the photo gallery at usakilts.com - including a couple of pics with "casual kilt" models.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phogfan86 View Post
    No wedding has ever been perfect. No wedding will ever be perfect. Anyone who says their wedding was perfect is either not being honest or was oblivious to all the chaos going on around them -- probably had friends putting out fires left and right without them even knowing it.

    Get the kilts. Make the wedding uniquely yours and hers.
    Well said.
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